-Blam- you! Comments on this? When I found this, the arbiter was actually standing straight up, sword sheathed in his other hand, facing imminent death. He stood there with his hand exactly like this until he died about a second after the combined impact of the two hunters(I was trying to get pictures of the arbiter fighting the hunters with his sword at the time)
I would have been your daddy but the dog beat me ovar the fence.. Maybe it was the skull. Not sure though..
Lol that is pretty funny. I wonder if it was just a coincidence, or something Bungie secretly programmed him to do.
I thought that only effected what they said... But I don't know, that could quite possibly be it. It would be like bungie to put this in the game, though I'm surprised no one was seen it before if that is the case. I guess it would all depend on if the IWHBYD skull was even turned on... Was it?
I was doing SLASO with everything except Grunt birthday, blind, and black eye, but yes I'm pretty sure I had it on. It won't let me check. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=87368614
That is how he holds the energy sword. it musta glitched a little to where he was supposed to have it but it stayed sheathed.. Nice pic i lold a little