
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Fire Phoenix117, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Intro: Hello everyone of a site that doesnt exist in my mind LOL JK maybe or maybe not anyway I been working on this game for a while and it turned out better than I personnaly was suspecting. I like this map because it is a childhood favorite because I always wanted to siege a castle with siege weapons. Normally My maps arent the best in gameplay but this is the best game I ever made. This map uses siege weapons probably never seen before and are now will be known. There is the Siege tower, Battering Ram, Catapult, ladders, and Sappers. Overall As far as i played this game and tested I never had any complaints about the map and gametype. surprising isn't it. So anyway as far as I can describe it the testing went great and map came out great and no problems.

    In the epic battle of Chilling Flames. The Dictator Cold steel is make his final stand once and for all against the persistant Rebels. Will Cold steel survive and will he die like the rest???/

    Human Objective:
    Defend the Castle intill you die!!!

    Zombie objective:
    Use the siege weapons to get in the castle and kill everyone

    Now Time for Pics...


    Number One Advice Dont go out of the castle You Will Die!!

    ladder and some rubble

    Ummm yeah that blew up

    There's the siege tower working like a charm


    Battering Ram WTF right a Tank!?!?!

    Castle 1# overview

    Castle overview #2

    Hole in the wall

    Castle citadel Not Campable trust me!

    Wow whats with all the overviews huh?

    Spartan lasered the Tank Pwned!


    Tank is not overpowered because custom powerups lets you drive and gives you 25% DAMAGE MODIEFER!!
    NO overpowering It will probably and most defenitly spawn once a round.
    Spartan laser spawns at 60 sec's


    1. Stay in castle
    2. Be on your guard
    3. Watch out to close quarter combat
    4. Dont Camp Huge Downfall
    5. Use spartan laser (spawns in 60 sec's)
    1. Get in the siege vechicles(custom powerup needed)
    2. kill humans with swords close range you got 100% leech
    4. Use siege weapons as supposed two
    Gametype Info (very important)

    Custom powerup Traits
    90 secs
    Enabled to Drive
    Damage Modier 25%
    everything else unchanged

    movement 100%
    gravity 100%
    weapons sword and magnum
    leech 100%
    sensors 25%
    Drive ability: disabled

    movement 100%
    gravity 100%
    weapons: SMG
    Sensors 25%
    Normal shields
    Drive ability:disabled

    I hope Everyone enjoys this thank you far your time and comments would be appreciated or whatever.

    Also I would Like to thank pelgore for spawn placement,and ect...

    Insigmia for the great advice on making the map look like a battlefield.

    Oh and how could I forget thank you so much Sarge525 on improving the gametype to make it awesome!

    Download Here (Breached)
    Download Here (siege)
    #1 Fire Phoenix117, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I'm actually working on a map idea similar to this... a castle siege. I definitely won't be putting any moving vehicles in my version, though. I've had similar ideas as to what you have posted ( catapults, siege towers, and destructible walls ), but they're different. Game type will be very different as well.

    Looks like you did a decent job of forging, but I'm not very fond of the tanks and lasers laying siege to a castle. If they have that kind of tech, may as well throw in some air support.
  3. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I've had this idea too. And also I'm not that impressed. A better suited ram would definately be a chopper. The wraith would perhaps be better if it didn't have as much space to freely move around. Just give it space to aim. There's definately too much rubble in this map, and to much cover. If you're more concerned about map size then put the castle on the middle ground. But anyway, you shouldn't need a custom powerup to get in a vehicle. And again the chopper is way smaller, simpler, and probably more efficient. And you wouldn't have to worry about someone getting in your gunner seat. Overall you should remake this one and improve it in every way. You should probably try to make the castle smaller, too. Then it would give the zombies more of a field to have to traverse.
  4. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    There really is no over powering in this game for infection you guys need to read the post fully in the description it says only way to drive is using a custom powerup and its on never respawn so zombies can use it once plus they have 25% damage so there's really nothing overpowering and it makes the game interesting instead of the game usually being borring. The gameplay is incredible on the map and looks really doesnt mater that much its all about gameplay. Also Benzu your accusations on the maps cover is wrong the Humans have carbines, BR's and etc... Overall there is a extremely good amount of cover for the map especialy when zombies need it for the beginning of the game to the end. The chopper really sucks compared to the tank cause you can shoot the guy in the chopper easy if you played it you would find out for yourself.
    #4 Fire Phoenix117, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    1. The tank is too powerful to be a battering ram, because battering rams can't blow people up.
    2. Y do you need a custom power up?
    3. Put the wraith in a fixed position so it can move but still aim.
    4. Back in the old days they didn't have lasers or pistols.
    5. The castle people had defences too like dumping hot oil onto people.
    6. I want a cookie, can you put a cookie on this map?
  6. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Im going to say this one more time READ carefully The custom powerup lets you drive Ok, you can only mainly batter down the gate with the tank ok, not shoot because the custom powerup gives you 25% attacke damage so its use less to shoot the humans, plus the humans can take about 3 hits of the tank and wraith so humans can move out of the way before then. The wraith is fine it has a small place to move and it provides cover for one of the zombie spawns. Also the game inquires guns because it makes it fun not boring and the spartan laser spawns in 6o sec's so you can destroy tank and wraith if get overpowered. Also it doesnt matter the time period I can give what ever I want on it and I dont give cookies to idiots that dont understand the game and cant read the entire post to get how it plays.
  7. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    I among many have made a castle map. But Ill tell you the best parts of my map, I had a portcullis room the defenders could throw fire bombs through ceiling holes into the room. I had man cannon scenery trap style rubble shooters that would shoot rubble so you could climb the wall. And a radio antennae that you would knock over to scale the walls.

    Dont get mad at him, you posted a map that was friggin long! You probably started talking about what you were wearing when you were making this. And detailed every second of the forging process. And talked about how you really like castle games. And included what your favorite sports are. You go into the siege warfare and 100pics. I dont think anyone will read the entire thing. It would probably take me longer to make a post like this then to make a map like this.
    #7 AlexIsCoool, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  8. Eaglrys BR iZ GoDly

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    Alot of backstory, lol. Anyway, love the map, It has some really cool aesthetics and from the pictures, gameplay looks flawless. You could have put just a little more structures into it though.
  9. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Ok I see What you mean then why not just read the important stuff at the bottom simple I guess.

    True but As far as I know there is no problem with the map I never had any concerns and complain at all on this map so I personnaly think its just right but thats my opinion you could try it out and see for yourself.
  10. Caboose54321

    Caboose54321 Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, but i'm not sure about the tanks, they could be too over powering.
  11. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    They have a custom powerup that enables them to drive so when they get the custom powerup they can drive the tank but it supposed to ram the gate if they shoot they have 25% Damage modiefer. so its not overpowered trust me on that and spartan laser spawns in 60 sec's so no overpowering if you get what I mean.
  12. Caboose54321

    Caboose54321 Ancient
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    Ok, I feel better now. On another map I played it had tanks that dominated the whole map, now tanks on maps make me feel unsafe, but now that you cleared it up Its actually an awsome idea.
  13. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Yeah I new most poeple wont read the post fully so when they commented I would give them the info but at least you out of all the poeple so far understand the tank isn't overpowered or the wraith ether. =)
  14. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Rank doesnt mean nothing I know that but even when I put in the reading "Very important info" it seems know one's reading it. Like you for instance I know you probably read some of it but didnt read the Game variant info to see why the tank isnt overpowered."Retard"

    The zombies have a custom powerup that enables them to drive so when they get the custom powerup they can drive the tank but it supposed to ram the gate if they shoot they have 25% Damage modiefer. so its not overpowered trust me on that and plus with the spartan laser spawns in 60 sec's so no overpowering. Also the wraith is perfect where it is, so what its not stactionary it has a small section it can move in thats good the zombies need movement for the wraith it would be interesting.
    #14 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  15. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Does no one realise that the custom power-ups lower the damage a huge amount to prevent the vehicles from doing high amounts of damage; which is why the custom power-up is needed to access the vehicles. Such that the only feasible way the tank could be "overpowered" is if one were to stand still, down on the floor, sitting right in front of the driver; but really that person would have to be an idiot. The game itself is rather fun and incredibly balanced, but the map should be a little more clean cut. I like the fact that you tried to add in a "destroyed" appearance, but this tends to just look like unnecessary clutter. The gameplay, however, truly shines in this map and that is what matters; so before you make an assumption as to how the game plays you should consider actually playing it. Sure it's not perfect but the game is fun and plays different from the dime-a-dozen infection maps that have been releaseing lately.

    So, ultimately, I say unto all you imbeciles who prejudge this map: kindly go stick a rusty nail up your hind quarters and twist.

    Good map, though not great, gameplay however is amazing. 4/5
    #15 Sarge525, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  16. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    LOL Now it seems someone that isnt a idiot understands what I mean you idiots! Dont be angry At me I'm telling the truth. lol
  17. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    You do realize that Halo 3 takes place in 2553, right? They also didn't have Spartans in Mjolnir armor in Medival times either.

    No, you're retarded.

    You, sir, are an idiot. If you were to actually read the post and play the game, you may be able to give some decent feedback.

    Are you ****ing serious?

    When did he say anything about not reading the map because of his rank?

    Quoted for truth.
    #17 Pel, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Hey dipshit. He originally had images showing what each item was supposed to be :
    catapult = wraith
    battering ram = scorpion tank

    If a tank is supposed to be the equivalent of a medieval battering ram, my point was what was a laser supposed to simulate? If he's going for the "medieval theme", it would make more sense for a flamethrower and flame grenades to be in the game than a spartan laser. Afterall, isn't that how they destroyed battering rams in medieval times... by setting it on fire? If you throw in lasers, you spoil the entire medieval theme he started with.

    Pel, you came in way too late to this thread to pick an argument with me.
  19. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Although I DO agree with you, can you really destroy a Scorpion Tank with a few flame grenades and a flamethrower? I bet you could but damn dude, that would take forever. =/
  20. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Hey shrooms I wasnt really going for medival theme and you shouldnt talk **** cause you never played the game. Also A flame thrower I guess sarge is 100% right you are problably an inbecile. The flame thrower doesnt do crap its like trying to light fire in water. Also the spartan laser doesn't ruin the game it makes the game balanced and fun So dont say false accusations unless you can give me a better weapon that can destroy the tank if not then you better shut your mouth."idiot"

    Come on Gr4phix I know your smart to realize it would blind you,I mean come on believing what an inbecile came up with is complete BS. HERE DO ME A FAVOR PLAY THE MAP WITH FRIENDS 10-16 poeple trust me its really fun.
    #20 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009

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