Sleep Tight Teaser

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yo Mommas Foot, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Oh man, was that cliché.

    The text would have been better to just appear on the same shot as the spartan fading in and out.
  3. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    umm im sorry to sound stupid and all, but was that a compliment or a insult im kinda blank right now..
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    It was constructive criticism.
  5. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Not much of a trailer... anywho, looks like you have the ability to edit it well. All the effects were grand, and the audio was great. You might want to work on your camera work, and general acting more though.
  6. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    I dont know if you know this or not, but Teaser is a short trailer that just interests you in the topic of that movie but dosnt give you the full insight of what it is, or what its about.

    how would you know if my acting is bad, even though all i did was stand still, then get up and shoot at a hornet. ???

    not to be all pissy, but how would you know what my skills are in that stuff, even though you only saw a 1:00 long clip ???
    #6 Yo Mommas Foot, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This teaser is supposed to show your skill in this area so people know what to expect. If you didn't show them what you're truly capable of, then you ignored one of the reasons for making a teaser.
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    It should make people want to watch what you have to show, it should make them say "Oh wow, this guy knows what he's doing" or "Did you see that action shot" or "wow, this dude has great artistic talent". It shouldn't be a minute of pretty much nothing. And yes it should reveal what said movie or video is about, that's kind of the point.

    In halo, when you move and turn around it looks bad. Most machinima makers make up for this with camera work, certain angles, and sheer practice in moving the characters around. When you moved around it looked like any old spartan moving in a game, not someone standing up and getting ready. Know what I mean? You have to combine the most fluid movement you can muster with great angles and you can fix this.

    I was just remarking on what I saw in the video, which I'm assuming is why you posted it here.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I didn't understand at all what you were trying to get across. From the music and text I'll assume this is a machinima that tries to develop and understand the physche of a killer.

    But the scene didn't depict the machinima was about a psychotic killer. Without the music and text it would seem to be either about a soldier gone rogue or a terrorist or even just a douchebag that shoots hornets.

    Avalanche isn't the greatest choice when trying to convey that mysterious introspective atmosphere. Looking down a cliff makes me think you're suicidal, but then turning around and shooting hornets makes me think you have no clue what's going on.

    The text doesn't fit this kind of machinima at all, that's more for a montage.


    Then end transition from "Sleep Tight" to "Coming Soon" was cool, but you only need to use that sound effect when the text changes, otherwise its just irritating. The text can still distort like you had it though. The difference in the red and green text and even the different effects for both isn't harmonious. It makes me think you're trying to show-off how good an editor you are by using various effects. Keep it simple and be consistent, the message comes through the filiming not editing.

    The siren was waaaay out of place. In fact, it made me laugh, like I almost thought it was a joke.

    These are just some things to think about when filming and editing your machinima.
    #9 rusty eagle, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  10. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    In fact, its actually both. This machinima is about a guys life being completely destroyed, and after that happens. It transforms him into a psychotic, unmerciful, revenge seeking killer. Also in the meantime he is still dealing with the pain and sorrow that has happened to him prior to his revenge.... Which makes him have some suicidal or screwed up thoughts.

    you guys are trying to dig to deep into this miniscule little TEASER which is making me have to explain everything the full length trailer is coming soon wich THEN you can possibly dig deeper into questions.... the siren is actually being played from inside the avalanche base, warning pedestrians to evacuate because he is near, Which proceedingly makes him look up and clear his thoughts, focusing on his mission and destroying the hornets.

    but that would make it less cool, and seem unrealistic.
  11. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well when you have a intropsective trailer, people are bound to look under every nook and cranny.

    How cool it is, is opininated, as for unrealistic I'm going to disagree. That sounds reminds of when a channel changes on TV. GTA IV used the same sound I believe suffice to say that sound is most realistically and properly used when the text changes completely. The repition of the same sound made me think that. Other "smaller" sounds would have worked better for the distortions. In fact sounds aren't even that necesary when distorting texts. Again simplicity is key.
  12. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Just as constructive criticism in order to convey the point that you mentioned here, I would have had maybe a group of people running towards the base and away from the protagonist. Maybe have very faint, in the distance talking, something like a "come on, lets go", to portray that this guy is a shunned member of a society that doesn't want him any more. That would be my only suggestion.
  13. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    i didnt really post this trailer on this site to get judged, i posted it on here for people to look forward to seeing the machinima. personally i wouldnt give a crap if the TEASER trailer is bad, why cant you guys just watch it and go on with your lives, instead of finding every little problem that you see in the smallest miniscule little trailer that i made ?? do you guys do this to movie teasers
    to ?? i feel like im getting judged by movie reviewers or something....

    EDIT - if i was also to do that stuff listed above, that would make the trailer longer and more drawn out.
    this trailer is SUPPOSED to make you guys guessing about whats going to happen its not supposed to tell you straight forward what its about. So PLEASE stop trying to come up with ways for me to make the trailer more obvious. little comments like " the text was bad," or " the sound effects were useless " thats te type of constructive critisism i want, not stuff to help me make the trailer longer and more obvious.. JUST WAIT FOR THE FULL LENGTH TRAILER. ( which i probably wont even post on this site because you guys are gonna disect every little isssue, problem, turn around, camera angle. exc exc.
    #13 Yo Mommas Foot, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009

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