The line in the middle is off. Also, the logo is way jaggy, fix fix fix! I'm not really into cars, but I suppose it's okay.
Ah ha! Much better. However, I think you should center the column with the logo and push the bottom left image in. That might look better. Also, there's 1 pixel of grey at the top center.
I don't like the checkard pattern, it looks like it was done in paint. Not all the squares look like they are the same dementions.
The checkers are going out of the bottom left part by about 1 or 2 pixels. Also, the logo is jaggy again. I have a feeling that this is slowly working it's way to perfection.
Unfortunately I cannot fix the logo as the original picture had white all around it so I had to use the magic wand to get the logo only, it's the cleanest that I could do. And the checker pattern is really hard to do with the image. I have to keep copy and pasting the pattern and match it up perfectly. Finally finished, though. Took much longer than I expected. Version 4 is out now! From now on there are no mistakes but I am still happy to take criticism about the wallpaper :].
Planet Renders // Renders - Logo Renders/Lamborghini logo It's not perfect but it's still a lot better. I'd use that version.
You obviously do not understand. The picture you gave me has black all around it. If I use it, it will end up with black boxes around it making the picture look horrible. I already explained that I used a special tool to get the shape of the image only and not the background surrounding it but that the tool was not perfect and it was the best I could get. Unless you get me an image with the shape only, I cannot make it any better.
Don't use the Magic Wand tool to cut out a background, use the Pen tool or the Polygonal Lasso tool to trace the edges and then delete the background using the selection. The magic wand is never perfect because you have to mess around with the tolerance level and you will almost always wind up with artifacting in some way or another.
Can you please be more specific? I'm using to edit it and I do not see the tools you are talking about.
I like it a lot. I don't really see anything to correct in the new version. Great work. And is that a Murcielago? Edit: The guy above you was talking about photoshop tools, so don't worry about that.
Ah, sorry, I thought you were using Photoshop or GIMP. I have never used, so I really don't know how you would do it with that...
Yeah, anyways, as I was saying, I suggest you make a free account at Planet and download that logo that I linked to, because the background is transparent. It would improve the wall a lot. Other than that I think it's pretty cool.