Sandbox The Wave

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Over D 53, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. Over D 53

    Over D 53 Ancient
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    Map name: The Wave

    Description: This is one of my greatest creations. It includes camel humps, banked turns, great theming, and a really smooth jump. This map is very smooth and is themed to look like a tidal wave. Please enjoy!

    Author: AnF Jeff

    Map link: : Halo 3 File Share


    the start on a beach

    riding out to the wave

    the wave

    banked turn on the back of a wave

    surfing another wave

    going up the back of a wave

    riding the wave off a ramp

    the final turn

    overview of the map

    Link: : Halo 3 File Share
  2. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really amazing! In my opinion if you smoothed out a couple of stuff and maybe changeup the startingpoint to look better (cause pallets look kinda bad) this could be a possible feature. Nice job man!

    BTW, FIRST! lol
    #2 ToxikPandaKoi, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  3. loco

    loco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this map for a bit. I like how you incorporated an interesting theme into almost every aspect of how your track is raced.

    There is one thing I don't like.
    Get rid of the filter.

    Other than that, my only issues are that the flow of the map (no pun intended) could be a bit better, but overall is a good example of the current generation of racetrack standards. 7/10
  4. ViVo 444

    ViVo 444 Ancient
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    Verry creative. It looks fun and well forged too.
    And let me guess, you live near a beach
  5. Over D 53

    Over D 53 Ancient
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    Actually I live in Arkansas I just thought it would be an intresting theme for a racetrack.
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    This map has a great theme to it. I like how you start on the beach with beach towels (pallets), and how you ride the small waves before hitting the big one. The big wave is really neat looking, and I always enjoyed going through it and then over it. There were a couple bumps, but nothing major, except for that last half-a-hill after the jump/before the final turn. It drops down too fast, and you end up catching air and then bouncing when you land, which usually results in complete loss of momentum or control (flipping). That always bummed me out more than usual because the final turn is great for drifting. Other than that, there was only the part where you go over the wave. I don't like how it is so vertical that is slows you down to a crawl. I know you needed that so you don't go flying over it and off the track, but you should be able to use some shield doors or something up there instead. It's not that big of a deal, but it just bugs me. I really had fun on this map though. Nice job.
  7. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Yay! Jeff aha!
    Great map, love the design and the wave, honestly i dont really care for the FX but who cares :D
    The beginging waves make a good lead in to the really large wave, and the mancannons add a nice touch to the accent!
    Nice Job :D

  8. Over D 53

    Over D 53 Ancient
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    I would like more feedback so I can edit the track to make it better, so please comment. Also look for my new track Assembly Line the first race track with a working conveyer belt!
  9. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to review your map and give you feedback but your screenshots are really small and I cannot see any details. Try out this guide:

    • Start a game for the map you want to show.
    • After starting it, end the game.
    • Go into theater mode and start the game.
    • Pause it and take pictures (Press "X" and select the camera icon).
    • Go on the internet to your service record (on and take a look at your recent pictures.
    • Click on "View in High Res" for the ones you want to use, and download them to your computer.
    • Upload them to a photo site, like
    • Highlight the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" (for Tinypic) and post it on the thread.
    • Your pictures should come up large and in high quality. Enjoy!
    #9 LivesOn, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  10. Over D 53

    Over D 53 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    K I'll see what I can do.
  11. MLRR

    MLRR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very good! Overall im gonna give you a 10/10.

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