I think I have been addicted to FH since the day I joined. Though, I have gone to Rehab to clam down a bit... The new Forums look fuzzy...
It is not wrong to use forgehub alot. Forgehub is the reason I have 100 custom content items right now.
All jokingness aside, I think I may be really addicted to Forge Hub. I tend to push my time limits (getting to school, going to sleep) when I am on Forge Hub. I have been thinking of just turning off my computer for a couple days and just chilling out. Maybe I will do that soon, if I can ever bring myself to it.
i r guy who gun b33t u up for spamming. Yes, this place is addicting. I originally joined so I could just dl some cool maps, then I started commenting on them, then I started asking some Forge Questions, then... AAARRRGGGHHH I've tried going cold turkey, but the damn shoutbox! GAH And eh, I like the new forums. I'm just too stubborn to change.
OMG TX, beleive me, just do that. I do the same thing, but I just took like a week of Forgehub and everything was good. Then when I came back, it was better. I think I am going to do that again, but I am so addicted. Really, it is kind of bad... I don't really sleep... speaking of which... :snore: zzzzzzz Yeah, I am going to bed, finally.
the exact same things happened to me!!! gah...i am happy to see so many people feel the same as me, and btw, i finally went to sleep, and i got to tell ya, it feeeeelss gooooood
Err, I hope you have a social life besides us. Friends in real-life and all. It's pretty unhealthy to be addicted to this site.
plenty, but you see, ah...to show you all a little of my personal life...i was arrested recently for distribution of...dare i say...herb and so i am sitting at home all day & night until i go away to jail ( hopefully not, i have a lawyer, and i am fighting this injustice...). Since this occurance, my parents obviously dont want me speaking to any of the plenty of friends i used to have, thanks to halo/xbl this doesnt matter too much, and now i am trying to enjoy this wonder called forgehub.
OMFG, you got arrested? Kinky. For drugs though? I'm 15 tomorrow, so I'm going to be spending most of this week offline. But once that's over, I will come back here with a vengeance.
This is great advice, I suggest following. Though I've not lost any sleep I've found this website to be quite addicting, and even take time away from things that should be more important.
omg its official, im addicted...i haven't stopped viewing threads for almost 4 hours now...(actually about 12, but in the 8 before 4, i was on xbl, and during loading times, i was here...)
well i'm on here possibly more often than xboxlive and definetly more than i am when i'm in MM, but thats cause my PC is next to my TV.