hnew forgers here. are you new need help,no problem just join the forgers a group made for any one to join you know why because there lots of jobs you can be a forger(map creator)a tester a photo/video maker submiter gametipe maker any thig and even almost you can be all of them at the same time wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just join : ) to join follow this directions. 1. first go to your name for example:mchalo click on it then in the right side of your information youll see friends,groups go to groups then click join social group after that press view all after doing that look the pages until you see:the forgers (our group name) 2.then click on the forgers. 3.after that go to the thread join click on it. 4.after that press join. 5.then to me alextrer send me the name of your gamertag.(mine is alextrer) 6.(last step)then just send me a message of what you do you want to be. ps: easy way just click this,lol,Forge Hub ps:want more imformation go to
I'm confused, what is the purpose of this group? You are doing pretty much what this site offers to forgers, in a much less organized fashion. Not to mention with almost no grammar or punctuation. If this is a group of forgers then asking new people to join won't exactly ensure quality. So after all that the chances are you'll end up with a bunch of half-active, mediocre forgers. Kudos for trying, but won't work. Although a group that do videos for other people might work...
no,you re wrong why,because even that somebody is new to forgehub it doesnt mean hes bad forging just because you ve been on forgehub5 years it doesnt mean that youre the master of forge or the best youre being to modest to yourself.