Tempest Swatage Trailer HD Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/v/fGRXQlnsGh4@@AMEPARAM@@fGRXQlnsGh4 Please leave feedback and constructive critisism. This is my first real editing experience so please don't flame. Edit: If the video is zoomed in the corner for you...visit "gameroom.mlgpro.com" and search "Tempest Swatage" to Watch the video in normal size. Thanks alot!
It's pretty good, I'd edit out the part where the dude dies after the multi-kill, though. What editing software did you use?
Sony Vegas. I don't really mind having the death in there. Alot of good montages leave them in there if it was a good clip. So why not. And its a trailer anyway. Thanks for the feedback though.
Looks like there's gunna be some cool gameplay. You should check out Phurions montage guide thingy on youtube.