Updated Map: Goose Chute x2 Gametype: Hog vs. Goose Play before commenting, Over 100 downloads! Alright, here we go again. Hog vs. Goose is a game I created inspired by defending the Skycastle on Standoff with only a gauss warthog. Zombies must prevent the Humans from landing their Mongeese in the central structure I call "The Funnel". Humans are to get to thier Mongeese as quickly as possible at start and drive into one of the chutes 2 entrances; once inside they will drive into the chute which will shot them into the air and land them near or in the Funnel's tube. The Funnel's tube will take them to a teleporter that will bring the Humans to the Victory Room which contains the newly placed Custom Power-Up, a rocket launcher, and a spartan laser. The teleporter in the Victory Room Will take them to the Platform, there the human has the easiest and cleanist shots at the zombies. Everyone is invulnerable and industructable vehicles is on but the zombies can push the humans into the guardians so be aware. This game is well played with 4-8 players if you have 4 or less players change zombie count to 1. The 2nd chute will spawn at 1min. 30sec. v2 Fixes: The zombie net had 4 walls added to it because people were just walking out at the corners of the net. The Funnel Tube is now housed because people were jumping onto mongeese that were in the tube. The Custom Power-Up was moved from the tube to the Victory Room because people were glitching out of the Victory Room because they were going too fast through the teleporter at the end of the tube v2.1 Fixes: The Goose Chute's entrances have been geo-merged because people were getting stuck in the chute The Roof of the Chute was remade The Funnel was remade to be more circular based on community suggestions Screenshots: Overview Human Spawn (the humans spawn away from thier mongoose to give the zombies a little prep time) The Zombie Spawn v2 Zombie Spawn The Goose Chute v2.1 Goose Chute Inside the Goose Chute v2.1 inside the chute The Chute The Funnel v2.1 Funnel In the Funnel's Tube (like I said last time there is a shield door under the map in order to prevent clogage) The Victory Room v2 Victory Room Outside the Victory Room The Platform Thanks for viewing and enjoy, Play it first then give feedback Made By:
I made some screen shots after my last Hog vs. Goose game and I found out i'm not very good at action shots, anyways Action Shots Rejected Double Rejected Rough Start To the Guardians 3.. 2.. 1.. Whoo! That was close Kah-May-Hah-May...... Haaaa!
Looks fun and original, this sort of remind me of Tofurkey hunting on standoff. DL for me BTW are the humans 1 hit kill or do they go back up the tube and get launched again? I'm sort of confused lol
I asked if I could do that in my last thread but no one answered. So, Instead of possibly breaking the rules I didn't think it would be to harmful to start a new tread. Sry if I hurt your feelings; if this upsets you
They may seem minor but those were actually pretty big flaws if you have played the game you would understand
I was suprised when I downloaded, the map was very good. It played very well with me plus a party of 6. Your interlocking wasnt great, but was good enough to offer solid gameplay. I love how the angle of the warthogs does not allow the turret to shoot mongooses (mongesse?) unless they attempt to drive toward one of the chutes (brilliant move). I dont have any critisisms about gameplay, but maybe you should sdd some asethetics if you plan to make another version. Overall: 5/5
you didn't read the first post i'm guessing, the whole "play before commenting" because the "it looks good" makes me kinda angry. stop worrying about how high your post count is what kind of asethetics and where could they be placed because everyone suggests this and I would like to please everyone without ruining the gameplay
You could try to fix up the funnel and make it perfectly circular, fix some interlocking issues in the chutes, add lighting effects to the chutes, stuff like that. It would really enhance the map, and those simple changes would not effect gameplay
DUde, I looked at this game before and I didnt even realize that this was yours. Weird. I personally HATE this game because it just seems to easy for the humans whenever I play it wit u I get in no problem.
YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY. your always the one who does the exact oppiste of what your supposed to do, your the reason I made the zombie nets. if you actually played with people who don't suck at shooting it would be a lot more fun Plus your lying that you make it every time. all the times I played this with you I push you into the guardians
Do you have any idea what your saying. the victory room is in the crypt the zombies can't shot them down there or if your talking about when you reach the platform, the zombies can't aim that high plus they do 0 damage. Thats why I said "Play before you post" Updated Map: Goose Chute x2 I have updated the map hopefully to some peoples standards the link to it is above and in the original post you can find the link. I fixed the crumy interlocking in the goose chute because people were getting stuck by geo merging the tubes so there is no hop when you enter the chute and theres no drop to the chutes ramp. I also made the funnel circular because everyone was suggeting that. I didn't add asethitcs cause the map dosen't need them; it isen't about how it looks its how it plays. did Lost Chamber have asethetics, no. Play the game and you will completly forget that you ever thought this map neede asethetics. Screenshots: The New Funnel The New Goose Chute(front view) Back View Entrance to Chute(found out that Tube Pieces aren't easy to geo-merge) Inside the Chute Thank You for all the feed back and enjoy.
Hey, you took some of my suggestions. The funnel and the chutes now look 20x better, and while it doesn't effect gameplay, it enhances a map and can earn you more downloads. Edit your first post though, like Blarg said
i was playing this with 7 people plus me and it was so much fun, there was just one problem though, you put an extra shield door in the way and sometimes you bounce back in the first goose chute