Shattered This abandoned Forerunner mining platform remains untouched due to its desolate location. 2-8 players Did you make this? Nice map! - frondew My FFA/asymmetrical map, Shattered, is inspired by Blackout, and became a favorite in my band of friends. The small size paired with the reclusive nature of players creates a fast-paced, dangerous combat environment which promises BR/Carbine fights, spray-'n'-melee capabilities, and lulz for all. Map is not breakable, some spawns are on top of structures for variation. Weapon List: 1x Plasma Rifle (20 seconds, Symmetrical) 1x SMG (45 seconds, 2 clips, Asymmetrical) 1x Spiker (10 seconds, 2 clips, Symmetrical) 3x Battle Rifle (10 seconds, 2 clips) 4x Plasma Grenade (45 seconds) 1x Mauler (60 seconds, 0 clips) 2x Covenant Carbine (10 seconds, 2 clips) 1x Needler (90 seconds, 2 clips) 1x Spartan Laser (180 seconds) 1x Brute Shot (60 seconds, 2 clips) Equipment: Power Drain (90 seconds) Overshield (180 seconds) If you think that there are too many weapons on this map, you thought wrong. They are well spread out. Download Shattered Overview Attackers Defenders Lift Room NOTE: SPARTAN LASER DOES NOT SPAWN THERE, SOMEBODY DIED AND DROPPED IT.
This map does look quite good, but what is the point of the ramp-a-ma-gig? And will you put up some more pics, I kinda get the layout because of the size, but then again I may be very confuzed.
Sorry about that, I couldn't get any great angles. Edit: Am working on getting more angles right now.
you know this is a nie map but it isnt quite there just yet. i think you should add more to the sides left blank a v2 would be sweet.
i must say, this map looks pretty damn awesome. i can see how it reminds you of blackout. the weapon layout seems pretty solid, but could you post an image showing where each weapon is? it would give me a better idea of the map before i might dl it. edit: some action pics would be pretty awesome too.
Don't worry. I have thought a little about a V3, and decided it would happen. The map will be slightly rebalanced and improved, and action pics/weapon spawns will be shown as well.