Bird Of Prey

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Matty, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Author: Matty
    Recommended Gametypes: Capture The Flag
    Recommended Players: 8-16
    Time Taken To Complete: 14 Hours


    Map Loadout


    Note: There are 2 bubble shields and 2 power drains missing from this image. The bubble shields are located at the 2 central satellites, and the 2 power drains are located in the rocks in the very centre.

    Recommended Gametype

    - One Flag
    - 5 second respawn
    - 0 suicide penalty
    - No friendly fire
    - 5 minute rounds
    - 30 seconds sudden death
    - Assault Rifle start
    - Grenades at start


    I am failrly confident that this is my 10th map. This is my 2nd released map that is not on foundry. This map is a higly tactical 'capture the flag' map. I decided that to make a map of this caliber i needed much more room. I also needed a cliff. Standoff was my best bet.


    Note that instead of the normal gametype where each base houses each team, in this map, the defenders hold almost the entire map. So what do the attacking team hold? Oh, a space ship.

    Also please note that this item is not the main focus of the map, it is actually far from it. This is more of an aesthetic feature, as it provides little assistance, and not much of the fight will ever take place on here.


    Already alot of you folks will be thinking. Man is he crazy? 2 wraiths!. But all is not what it seems. Yes, the attacking team have 2 wraiths at its disposal. But what if i said, "2 immovable wraiths, that have to fire over a very long distance to hit thier targets, and fire a relatively slow weapon". Doesnt sound so bad now does it? Not convinced? The defending team have a banshee, which is basicly a wraiths worst nightmare.

    If you dont like the way i ^ talk ^ above. I will put it into a more formal context. I have thought long and hard about the balance issues on this map. Believe me. I have put more effort into balance on this map than aesthetics.

    This gametype relies heavily on tactics. If you just run in without thinking you are going to lose, and most likely your team will end up losing because of it. You need to work as a team. Use each other as best as you can, and maybe you will come off victorious.

    Ok well that is it from be blabbering on. If you want to read a full guide to this map, i will post it below the screenshots. If you just want to see it for yourself. Behold...















    Quick Tactics

    Defenders - Keep moving, dont rush, create a line of defence, dont waste the Banshee
    Attackers - Dont waste all of your Vehicles early, use team callouts to help the Wraith


    - Drivers, try to weave your vehicles in and out of cover, and keep blocking your line of sight with the ship. This should avoid you getting hit by the missile pods at the start. Also, never stop completely, and try not to drive in a straight line, this should stop you getting hit by the wraith.
    - Remember you have a Banshee at the very back of the map, where the rasied satellite is. This is a key weapon for the defenders, but remember it is very weak to missile pods. Why not get a team mate to get the sniper rifle and take the missile pod holder out before taking off?
    - Straight from your spawn, do not charge towards the ship. Instead, head for the centre, and try to create a line of defence covering the flag. The Attackers are loaded with fast attack vehicles, so if you can keep on the move, you should be able to outpower their weak vehicles
    - Remember you have a Rocket and a Sniper on your side. Use the Rocket as a means to take out a wraith if you have to, it isnt going to move out the way, but make sure both Rockets hit. Also both the Sniper's spawn next to active camo, so use them together, and you become a deadly weapon.
    - Keep your eyes up. Yes the Wraiths are big and powerful, but so long as you are paying attention, you can aways easily get out the way of the plasma. Also if you see the Wraith attacking on someone else, shout out for them to move. Tactics like this will make defending the flag alot easier.


    - Dont over use the 'rush' tactic. Sure send a mongoose or two in quickly, but dont go all the way and send the Warthog on a suicide mission too, that would be a very bad idea. You need to pace out the game, by using things steadily and not wasting your weapons and vehicles.
    - Remember you have Rocket pods and Wraiths at the start. Use the Rocket pods at any vehicles driving towards you, and use the Wraiths to bombard areas of the map where you think the enemy might be.
    - An invaluable tactic, is using your teammates as the eyes for your Wraith. If you are pinned down somewhere on the map, shout out to your friend on the wraith and ask them to bombard a specific location. What about if you asked them to fire at you, and then moved away from where you were, making your adversaries chase you, and land into some heavy plasma
    - You have a Sniper Rifle and Active Camo at the tree, but the enemies are close. Be careful when getting this, you are on the enemies doorstep.
    - Dont stay stationary. Sure the Gauss up top is a nice sniping tool, but sit there without moving too long and you will die easy. The gauss is a very strong vehicle, in the right hands. Get your best driver and gunner in this thing and you should find it too hard getting that flag.
    - Try sneak around the outsides. Yes this is a big vehicle orientated map, but there is absolutely tonnes of cover, and anti-vehicle weapons. With the large scale, getting by enemies is alot easier than in other maps, just try and stay in cover, and you should be able to sneak around the outside quite easy.
    - When you get near the flag, make sure you have a plan. Are you going to get picked up? Are you going to run into the base and through there? Are you just going to run for it? Make sure your team mates know what you are doing, or all that planning could go to waste.
    #1 Matty, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  2. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good, but the mini-map with the weapons thing is confusing. If you could, post another picture with the weapons above [in the sky base] as a different color
    #2 MealonX, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  3. Steamboat

    Steamboat Ancient
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    cool idea man i dl

    also how did you get that weapon map
    #3 Steamboat, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Its only a rough estimation, i just thought it would be more helpful than a list. I am currently trying to find a coloured image, and also some better images of the weapons. I will update if i can. Thanks for commenting.
  5. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    Hey matty, really think that the map looks nice, well made and neat. Hope this gets lots of DL's cause it looks like it should, im a big fan of Capture the flag so im glad i might have a good new map to play it on. Thanks
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wait... So if the team gets the flag they must go through the tunnels on the bottom, by jumping off with a warthog? If so then that pretty cool. Just like the last level, Halo.
  7. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm, looks like an interesting map and similar to a map I plan to make later

    II ZERO II Guest

    this map looks not good 0/5 it seems like u didnt even try u only interlocked like 2 things not a good map seems boring and too plainthe wraiths are a bad idea awell bad map.
  9. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I have this map ready to DL Matty. I like most of the maps you put out and will get back to you on my forge-through latter.

    Please if you are going to bash a map use Punctuation and full coherent thoughts please. And also what else does he need to interlock? The whole platform is interlocked dude. Every time I see your comments you are bashing some one else's map. I have yet to see you post any of your map too.
  10. II ZERO II

    II ZERO II Guest

    wow before u say something atleast check if ur right i have posted many complements and good ratings so dont go judging me as if u know who i am i really dont like ths map but love other ones and if u look at my post and replies i say many good things so check the facts before u judge me k.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Uhh, he did check the facts. You didn't.

    Not only did he point out that while you said that there is no interlocking, there actually is; he also points out that Matty has stated why he put two Wraiths while you flamboyantly declare that it's too unbalanced.
    Also, you have an unpleasant record of bashing maps, for lack of better words. And yet you claim the opposite.


    Did you know that I also have a fetish for floating Standoff Bases? Roxxors all nite long.
  12. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Go away, please.

    Anyway, this looks excellent for a Standoff map and I can't wait to try it out.
    #12 GoodWhaleSushi, Apr 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  13. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    I agree with you mate hes being increadibly harsh for no reason i really like this map with the ship and its wraith blasters. I thought forgehub were going to do something about people like that!
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    While I agree that ZERO was a bit harsh, what you are saying is even harsher. By ranting on and on and on, you're basically stooping down lower than him.

    This thread is for commenting on the map, not flaming each other.

    The end of argument, kthxbai.
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok, changing the subject (just a bit) where do you make that weapon map thing? and i like how you didn't use a spartan laser and instead put 2 rocket launchers (do they have normal ammo or less?) because i reckon the spartan laser would have been a bit over powered, also, is it possible to jump from the edge of standoff on to the top of the double boxes.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    The map's alot of fun Matty. Can't wait to get a big group on it. It seems the 2 wraiths actually would balance it out nicely. Hell it was fun just 1v1... i even almost scored the flag on you haha.
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Please check your facts before you post. The entire ship is interlocked. Every immovable item has been interlocked to an extent. Also i have checked, double checked, and triple checked on the wraiths, and they are fine. Please dont crit me when you havnt played the map and i have, a rigourous amount of times.

    Also, seen as all you ever do it abuse any map i make. Please leave, and never come back to any maps i make, because you are really starting to annoy me.

    Pr0nmerchant, can you please edit out the 'whited out' abuse. I dont want that on my thread thanks, even thoughi feel the same way.

    Thanks man. And i thought you did score, well you would have if you kept running. O well.

    Thanks for posting that, yes we played 1v1 to test the spawns for about 30 mins, and it was just as balanced, and pretty fun.
  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i'm guessing the wraiths didn't work in 1v1, and i heard pr0n got an infraction for it, but the mods didn't delete the post, interesting...
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    No, they worked fine.

    You guys need to realise how bad they actually are.

    Stationary, fires a mortar that hardly ever gets a 1 hit kill, Fires over long distance so you have to guess where they will be. You cant see where you are aiming because you have to aim so high. Mortar is very slow, and very big, so its easy people to avoid.

    In that time you could have been killed by the whole range of weapons the map has at its disposal.

    Also at a relatively close range they cannot attack because the box is in the way. They have multiple weaknesses.

    Please think of them more of a 'barrage' style of Vehicle. They have no accuracy on this map whatsoever. The best way to use them if find out where the fight is taking place and bombard it. Even then you would be lucky to scrape a kill.
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    no i meant that like if 1 guy was in the wraith the other one would just grab a rocket launcher and get him cause they're stationary.
    anyway, after playing it with you i have to say it is great, we played 3v4 and still had a good time doing it, the only thing is when i was attackers i kept spawning and then instantly walking off the edge which is fun in a casual gam like that, but it could get annoying. as for the wraiths they worked fine, i remember you using one to take me out on my run for the flag, but i was running in a straight line so it was an easy shot, but otherwise they're pretty much just to scare the other team into making them go where you want them to.

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