Surprisingly I haven't seen this video before now, thanks for posting it. It's gotten me even more pumped up for Halo ODST.
Wow, this is the first video that really has me genuinely pumped to play this game. Looks like I'll enjoy the story and the way it's told alot more than Halo 3's.
Nathan Fillion = win. I can't wait to get this game.. I may actually buy the Collector's Edition just because the game looks so awesome.
Damn this game looks so bad ass new guns and it looks like you would need more team work and know tell people wat to do and stuff looks a lot to beat campaign Xd
I was watching it, not knowing it was Nathan, and I was like "Mal? Is that you, Mal? What're you doing in Halo!?!?"
No, I didn't see that. Thanks for bringing it up, it seems they brought back the four grenades. I don't know how that will affect the gameplay... but it makes me nostalgic for halo 2.
It's been announced that there is indeed a four grenade maximum, just like old times. I would link you to that specific page, but I can't remember. If you'd like to see it, just search for some E3 game play and keep your eye on the grenade accumulator, you'll see it. Anyway, excellent find. I've been consuming every piece of information I can find on this game since the announcement. Each video they give us opens so many doors, and the anticipation rises.
This is really starting to look more like a full on game instead of the expansion that it was supposed to be. I will definetly be Firefighting as much as I can.