Watch the first segment of this video. Then read the comment he posted. Discpicable. I would love Mickraider to see this video. YouTube - halo 3 maps special 3 maps
Lol how dumb, what a horrible video. I love how he's all "I spent 28 hours making this map" Yeah it definitely took closer to 100. I guess what they say is true, Immitation(or theft whichever) really is the highest form of flattery
Aye Aye! Also on my to do list after responding to something oddly is give incriminating proof against a N00b. will these URL's do? Blockout Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@
He couldn't make any of the simplest jumps....on his own map? Does he know this was featured? What a n00b. This reminds me, I have to post a new map I made called Guardian. I just came up with it, but that one took me 28.5 hours to make. Whoooo hooo.
"the game's starting to lag I think, because maybe I probably merged to much or stuff". He really could have at least done better...
I just gave a link to the FH thread; I'm sure the FH community will do the rest once they see this. Nothing I really hate more then someone stealing a map that was made by someone from Forge Hub.
I love forgehub. A place where i can put up video of scumbags like this and immeadiately get 8 messages to him and flag the video!
I posted in there, I also added one of those copy and paste middle fingers incase you cant think of a comment
What an absolute douche. I flagged and commented on that ****. (My YouTube is Blackfox97, by the way.)