Just messing around Orbital and I came up with this. Yes, I said Orbital, and it looks like I'm looking inside a block of ice. Pretty cool, huh?
Hmm, little bland, but its pretty cool how you found Ice on Orbital 0_o lol Umm, ya, I would like to know where or how you got this effect, because I have no guess on where or how you could have gotton this.
Well ice is pretty bland... And I still want people to guess, because I don't think anyone will ever guess it, and its far more fun this way
It would be cool if you did this effect with someone in the pic. As for how or where you got it on Orbital, no idea.
Outer space is really cold brew, just throw some water out there. Anyway, I like the picture even if it is a little bit bland. Maybe you could use it in a different way to contrive a more complicated and interesting screenshot?
If the actual area of this shot wasn't so small and didn't need to be so close up, perhaps there could be a person in there. That's a little hint for ya guys
Hmm... is it a close-up of one of the clear bars next to the "Authorized Personnel Only" signs? Wait, no... that couldn't be it. I'm trying to think of all the clear things on Orbital....
Wait! I know the little water tanks, next to all the signs with a flair? Because I can see the bubblez in your pic.
is it that little blue circle on the ground with all "teh words"(never read it myself), its to the left of the balcony thing, its hard to explain...
To everything that has just been said: No. It is within the map, has nothing to do with actual water, and is not next to any words.