I think it's been pointed out before, but it seems that bungie has not hosted anything on their favorites that uses advanced forging techniques. This is strange, as the best forged maps come from here? Is it that they haven't updated their favorites much, or do they dislike the "glitches" we use. I know uhh in the update about..the guy comming back, he said favorites were going to be more fan based.
i think they just haven't had time, since i have had xbox live, there have only been ten maps on bungie favorites.
I believe its been said by bungie that they will not remove it so that must mean they like it. Not so sure if a bungie official sid this though...
yea i think that they have had interlocking on faves it's just because thye never change them so it seems like they are avoiding them.
im wondering how during all the testing of foundry/ forge on foundry how they never found out about the glitch?? or did they??
I think there's also a post by them about how their default map isn't as good as the ones using advance techniques. So yeah, they like it.
It would be silly for them not to like it. As pointed out some of the best maps use advanced techniques. And good maps can attract people and keep them interested in their game. They must have known about some of this stuff. It seems hard to believe that none of the development team thought 'What happens if we get two things to spawn in the same space'. More so with the fixed objects on the new maps.
Very true, I'll go with they've been too busy to update favorites. Though as some mentioned, it would seem very unbelievable for them not to discover interlocking. My guess is they figured it would work, left it for us to figure out (cause bungie loves us discovering stuff), and that way it would save them having to put in more button options or overcrowd/complicate forge.