Sandbox MLG An Toll Dubh *The Dungeon*

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by B a m X m e R, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. B a m X m e R

    B a m X m e R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG An Toll Dubh v2
    *The Dungeon*

    Made By: Veto 4 BRsss

    : : Halo 3 File Share

    Tactical Jumps
    YouTube - Tactical Jumps: MLG An Toll Dubh - *The Dungeon*

    Supported Gametypes

    MLG Team Slayer
    One Flag

    Weapons and Equipment

    Battle Rifle - 4
    Sniper Rifle - 2
    Rocket Launcher - 1
    Carbine - 2

    Frag. Grenade - 4
    Plasma Grenade - 4
    Custom Power Up - 1




    Bottom - Mid




    Blue Base


    Purp Base/Red.


    DarkSide 2


    Purp/Red Street







    Recommended Gametypes

    This is an MLG map designed for use with MLG rules. It has been set up and tested for optimal use with the MLG TS, MLG CTF and MLG CTF Onslaught game variants.

    #1 B a m X m e R, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  2. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the map and all, but one question, how do you get to rockets? From the pictures, it looks unreachable.

    Other than that, good job. The aesthetics are decent and the layout is pretty good.
  3. B a m X m e R

    B a m X m e R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Check the video at the top.
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics on this map are pretty good and I like the layout and balance of weapons on the map.OMG iTz ReCoNz! Sorry for the random spam. I can't bag on this map at all.
    #4 Ac3Snip3r, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  5. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    Rockets should be more accessible, otherwise you will find teams missing jumps, thus ruining the competitive gameplay
  6. Chris13

    Chris13 Ancient
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    The bases are very well made, especially blue base. The jumps and drops in and around the bases offer a great MLG feel, and that's tough to really force into a map. Weapon placement was decent, although custom spawned on top of rockets, which was problematic. Also, some weapons seemed to spawn a little too quickly, so maybe increase spawn time on the power weapons. Player respawns were (hate to say it) bad. You should get some help with those, because when I played teams kept spawning at opposing bases. Rocket spawn needs to be fixed as well, like Frost said. The map has a lot of potential if you fix the problems I and others have mentioned. Please release a v2 and keep forging
    Overall: 3.4/5
  7. B a m X m e R

    B a m X m e R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah i know the map is not complete yet i have to fix up a few things as for the spawns i dont have a clue how to work them I just wanted to see some feedback from the work so far....If Anyone can help me with them then add my GT: Veto 4 BRsss

  8. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    the midle looks like onslaught.... i like how u did that crouch for rockets.. u put a good risk v.s. reward there.. and not tooo cool bout the bases..
  9. E X Z A

    E X Z A Ancient
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    I did a little playthough by myself.
    At first the map seemed pretty sound for a MLG type map.

    Though, most MLG maps that work have a bit more fluidity.

    The rocket spawn does have a good idea for the risk factor of getting them but, it doesn't flow right. You have to jump and couch in the right place and you can get them but you waste valuable time if you miss and retry.

    The corners of this map need some more blocking. I found that I could drop into the corners and hide under the map without the risk of dying. That could ruin gameplay.
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Retarded name, sweet map. I like how it has a city feel. This map takes advantage of the elevation in the crypt and truly makes it seem large. Good job. The rocket's unreachability makes it risky to get it. But I don't like the secret jumps. It's unfair for those who haven't seen the video. Maps should just be designed where everything is just within jumping reach of each other. Kinda like Assassin's Creed. You'll know what I mean if you've ever played it.

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