Sandbox Wasp's Nest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MattKestrel, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    This is my third map on forgehub, and it takes inspiration from both of my previous maps, Sandstorm and Pneumonia. It combines the short-mid range BR fights and prizes in the middle of Sandstorm with the vehicles and structure of Pneumonia, and quite frankly I love it to pieces. Hence, expect a long rant on it. You have been warned.

    I'll be running a testing session at 4:00 pm EST on the 7th, so if I'm not full up, send me a friend request.

    For those who don't need convincing, the map's best suited to 4v4s, although 3v3s could work, and it supports up to 6v6s (it's too small for 8v8's or the like) You can play a load of gametypes on it: Team Slayer, CTF, Oddball, King Of The Hill and Assault, with more custom variants being developed over the next week. The map is /not/ suitable for ffa. Just a warning. There's already two custom gametypes finished: Wasp Slayer (which is the main attraction of the map, imo) and Exterminators (a KOTH variant with fast moving hills and damage bonuses for those inside) so be sure to have a poke around.

    Download Wasp's Nest
    Download Wasp Slayer
    Download Exterminators

    For those who do, onto the map!

    Gameplay Overview

    First and foremost, Wasp's Nest is a small-medium sized map which is symmetrical down the middle of the central area. The bases themselves are also symmetrical, but the sniper towers and laser spawn each appear on seperate sides 9left and right of the bases) for balance. An overview would be handy.

    Full Overview


    Nest Overview


    Hornet Overview


    In all gametypes, each team spawns behind their respective base, which has a lot of cover from the front. Weapons at each base include a pair of Carbines (Carbines will be prevalent over BRs in this map, it's fairer to the Wasp in Wasp Slayer and goes with the Covenant theme more), a pair of plasma grenades, a plasma pistol and a Ghost. This gives each team member a lot of options as they press forwards. After the game starts, teams will often respawn here, facing the top ramps. It's fairly impervious to spawn camping unless someone brings around a Ghost. Here's some screenshots of each base.

    Red Base (houses Flag Spawn in CTF and Bomb Arming Site in Assault)


    Blue Base (Same)


    In front of each base, there's a central porch you can fall straight onto from the ramps, which gives you good access to the points of interest early on. It also houses the Grav Lift for each team, and has a ramp allowing players to get from the ground up onto the porch easily. There's also a few respawn points on each team, but only a few because it's accessible from the sniper towers and from ground level.

    Red Porch (Since the following parts are all the same on each team in terms of which places they face, I'll only post the Red versions from now on)


    On each side of the base, there's another point of interest. On one side, there's the sniper outpost, which is only accessible via the porch. It houses a Beam Rifle (again, Covies, and seemed like a fairer choice against spawn camping the other team's porch) and an obelisk to provide cover. There's also a Carbine under each tower. The sides of each tower are also covered, meaning a sniper can't be countersniped from the adjacent tower, and making it an easier location to defend. However, the back's exposed to Ghosts, Hornets and the Wasp, so don't get complacent. No respawns, for balancing in the early game.

    Red Sniper Tower


    On the other side to each team's sniper tower, there's a defensive barricade, which is pretty secure against BR fire. Most of the respawns for each team can be found here, but it's out of the sniper twoer's range and provides some good protection against Ghosts and Hornets. That is, until the former lines up and gets a splatter in. There's also a Carbine for each team, and a good route to the laser and oddball spawn.

    Red Barricade


    That's as far as each base goes. Now for the central structures.

    Slap bang in the middle of the map is a big central strcuture, which is accessible from the ground only. Surprsingly, it doesn't in itself have any weapons. It houses the Regenerator, and also has some nice hiding spots, so it's a good defensive hole from either team. There's also an Active Camo on the top if anyone's crafty enough to get it, and the bomb spawns next to the regenerator in Neutral Assault games. However, there's some fusion coils to prevent excessive camping in Oddball games, and KOTH to an extent.

    Bomb Spawn


    Camo Spawn (Featuring the escape hatch)


    The main attraction at this end of the map is the Hornet Spawn, which is right in front of the Central Base. There's some fins to the sides which provide cover (and also hold the only BRs and Frags on the map) and a panel to the back to help prevent Ghost camping behind the hornet, and other things. Naturally, you'll be rushing to secure this right at the start, so bring a ghost to help support is a good idea. Thankfully, it's not overpowering due to the abundance in cover and the lack of space for it to land/spaltter. At least imo :p

    Hornet Spawn


    At the opposite end of the map is the rest of the goods. Between the two barricades is the Spartan Laser spawn, which you've also got to try and maintain. In fact, considering it's a counter to both the Ghosts and the Hornet, a team will probably focus most of it's effort here in the early game. Hence, it's between the barricades, which provide plenty of cover to firefighters. You also have to jump to access the laser, meaning control is pretty necessary to secure it. In the passage underneath the wooden bridge, there's the only neutral pair of plasma grenades on the map, and it's a great spot to hide during oddball games. However, there's also some fusion coils here, so don't spend too long there.

    Laser Spawn (The other passages will be clearer from other screenshots)


    And now for the cherry on the cake, at least in Wasp Slayer. I'll talk about it when we get to that part. Suffice it to say that across the wodden bridge, there's the oddball spawn, which is marked by a neutral purple marker in all games. Underneath the bridge, there's another passage with a pair of carbines and a needler, so there's plenty of stuff for someone who misses out on the oddball.

    Oddball Spawn


    Haha, I can't believe I forgot the weapons list. Lol, anyways, here it is.

    10 Carbines - 30 Second Respawns - 2 Clips: The main weapon on this map, you'll be using these instead of BRs to secure the objectives. A little defamiliarisation never hurt.
    2 BRs - 60 Second Respawns - 2 Clips: Found near the hornet, they'll help you secure it once you manage to get close enough.
    2 Plasma Pistols - 60 Second Respawns: These are particularly useful for fending off vehicles at close range, or pinning a Wasp to be killed by your team-mates.
    2 Beam Rifles - 120 Second Respawns: These are found at the sniper towers, but feel free to move them around. Very useful in defensive work, although a lack of support up front can be risky.
    A Needler - 60 Second Respawn - 2 Clips: Found underneath the Oddball spawn, might be more useful against the Wasp if you're out in the open.
    A Spartan Laser - 150 Second Respawn: The power weapon of the map, apart from the Oddball. Extremely effective against vehicles and the Wasp provided you can get a shot ready,

    2 Ghosts - 90 Second Respawns: A useful utility for each team, use these to help secure weapons, fend of the Wasp or just get a few cheap kills.
    A Hornet - 120 Second Respawn: Very useful tactical vehicle, make sure you secure it early on to help maintain map control and fend off the Wasp.

    6 Plasma Grenades - 30 Second Respawns: Although each team geyts a pair, they're still very useful for obvious reasons. Stick the Wasp and holler in delight.
    4 Frag Grenades - 20 Second Respawns: Very useful during firefights; one of the upshots of trying to secure the hornet.
    2 Grav Lifts - 60 Second Respawns: If you aren't the Wasp or in a vehicle, make sure you get these to help your team reach crucial areas.
    A Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn: Once you've secured the Hornet, use this to hold up the miuddle whilst you go in for the kill.
    Active Camo - 120 Second Respawn: Wasp + Camo = ****ery. Prevent him from getting it at all costs.

    And that's about it for the overview. If you just want this for the default gametypes, you don't have to read any further. Here's the download link for the map. Enjoy! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to fully test this yet, but trust me, it's pretty sweet. In a week's time, there'll be tons of action screenshots.

    Download Wasp's Nest

    Wasp Slayer?!

    Despite the Oddball category, this is pretty much slayer with a unique twist. Weapon and vehicle spawns are the same. There's just one small difference. The Wasp!

    The main thing to this gametype is the oddball carrier's abilities. Rather than scoring points through holding the ball, the whole team scores points through killing, just like slayer.

    The person who carries the oddball becomes the Wasp; a character inspired by Ninjanaut. He's always got gold armor, so you'll know which one he is, but he doesn't have a waypoint, making stealth possible. He moves 50% faster and jumps 33% higher, but his shields recharge at half the usual rate. Of course, he's got an oddball, so expect him to be extremely dangerous at close range. He's also got a x2 damage multiplier, so he can take out vehicles that try and sideswipe him as well. Generally, if he gets close to you, you're ****ed.

    Some other interesting facts. He can't pick up weapons, grenades or equipment as the Wasp, and obviously he can't ride vehicles. So don't try and use him to snag power weapons early on. In fact, the only object he can access as the Wasp is the Active Camo. Needless to say, this makes him a whole lot more deadly. So try not to let it get to that stage.

    His shields also completely leech damage, so if he stings, he'll get his shields back annoyingly quickly. So expect him to be fast and loose. More than usual.

    He can also see players on the motion tracker even when they aren't moving, so stealth isn't an option around him either. The best option is to try and fend him off from range, making yourself obvious so he doesn't go out of your line of sight.

    Otherwise, he's the same as a regular player.

    Like Team Slayer, it's 50 kills to win. So get cracking!

    Download Wasp Slayer

    Wasp Slayer Tips and Tricks

    > Don't bring vehicles too hear to him. He hates that. Pepper him with plasma fire or machine gun bullets instead. Or alternatively, get your face punched off.
    > After the Wasp drops the ball, it resets to the nest /very/ quickly. So either make a run for it whilst you can or make plans to secure the nest again. This prevents him camping with power weapons as well as the ball.
    > As the wasp, you can reach the sniper towers from your starting point a in a matter of seconds. So take them out and prevent them from pinning you when you don't expect it.
    > The wasp can also jump higher than regular players, meaning he can reach places that regular humans can't. It also opens up new, compelx escape routes, making him even harder to track down.
    > Getting the needler and luring the wasp towards you can be surprisingly effective. So long as he doesn't strafe. So if he's a noob, use this to your advantage.


    As mentioned before, it's KOTH with a slight twist. The three central hills switch around very quickly, whilst players who remain in the hills get a damage bonus. Faster and looser than regular KOTH. There's not a lot to say about this, so DL away.

    Download Exterminators

    Well, that's it. You should get a cookie for reaching this point in the rant.
    #1 MattKestrel, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wow! I have never seen a map like this before. Needless to say, the map is original and the gametypes for it lookk great. The only thing you really need is a weapons list.
  3. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha, I can't believe I forgot the weapons list. Lol, anyways, here it is. I've edited it into the main post too.

    10 Carbines - 30 Second Respawns - 2 Clips: The main weapon on this map, you'll be using these instead of BRs to secure the objectives. A little defamiliarisation never hurt.
    2 BRs - 60 Second Respawns - 2 Clips: Found near the hornet, they'll help you secure it once you manage to get close enough.
    2 Plasma Pistols - 60 Second Respawns: These are particularly useful for fending off vehicles at close range, or pinning a Wasp to be killed by your team-mates.
    2 Beam Rifles - 120 Second Respawns: These are found at the sniper towers, but feel free to move them around. Very useful in defensive work, although a lack of support up front can be risky.
    A Needler - 60 Second Respawn - 2 Clips: Found underneath the Oddball spawn, might be more useful against the Wasp if you're out in the open.
    A Spartan Laser - 150 Second Respawn: The power weapon of the map, apart from the Oddball. Extremely effective against vehicles and the Wasp provided you can get a shot ready,

    2 Ghosts - 90 Second Respawns: A useful utility for each team, use these to help secure weapons, fend of the Wasp or just get a few cheap kills.
    A Hornet - 120 Second Respawn: Very useful tactical vehicle, make sure you secure it early on to help maintain map control and fend off the Wasp.

    6 Plasma Grenades - 30 Second Respawns: Although each team geyts a pair, they're still very useful for obvious reasons. Stick the Wasp and holler in delight.
    4 Frag Grenades - 20 Second Respawns: Very useful during firefights; one of the upshots of trying to secure the hornet.
    2 Grav Lifts - 60 Second Respawns: If you aren't the Wasp or in a vehicle, make sure you get these to help your team reach crucial areas.
    A Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn: Once you've secured the Hornet, use this to hold up the miuddle whilst you go in for the kill.
    Active Camo - 120 Second Respawn: Wasp + Camo = ****ery. Prevent him from getting it at all costs.

    Also, I've fixed some spawn time issues, so redownload if you already have.
  4. 3vi1 K0K0nuT5

    3vi1 K0K0nuT5 Ancient
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    Unfortunately ive never seen any of your maps before though im sure 2 check them out after seeing this map. Great job! This is one of the best competitive maps ive seen. I'll be downloading shortly.
  5. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Unfortunately, the DL link was failing, but I've managed to fix it now. Also, one of the objects didn't spawn at start, but that's been fixed too. Enjoy! If there's any more bugs, please let me know.
    #5 MattKestrel, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  6. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    I really like the idea of having a Hornet as a central weapon on this map: You don't see many vehicles, let alone aircraft, as neutral targets on maps. Not only is it nice to see an aircraft as a central feature, your choice of a Hornet is also favorable: Rather than a single person having access to the skies, a Hornet can accommodate passengers, letting multiple people share in the fun.

    This is sure to be a map I'll play next time I'm together with friends :D.

  7. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    Wow, now this looks interesting. I've only seen one other Oddball game like this, but it was a LONG time ago (around when I first got Halo 3 in Dec. '08). I think you gave me an idea for a future game that could go well with my map(s)! I like how there's almost no BR's on this map. Personally, I like Carbines way more. I would download this, but I have barely any room left to download anything, so I'll get it when/if I make space. Very well done!
  8. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha, cheers. Part of the reason for giving everyone Carbines was to give the Wasp an advantage (so he won't get four-shot), as well as to give the map a semi-unique feel. If anyone wants to know, I'm working on an Infection variant of this map, so keep your eyes peeled if you like infection :)
  9. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    wow, its nice to see someone use the hornet in a map! Usually people get crapped on for it! I have to say that I'm not a big fan of custom game varients, but your map looks pretty good for some team slayer or koth. Good job! Oh, why do you think it wouldn't be good for ffa? Is it the spawning? I think almost any map can be decent for ffa. OH nevermind..... its the hornet.
  10. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    Quite an original map and game we have here! I think I have nothing to add to what people have commented already except there's one thing i was wondering. There's quite a lot of empty space at each end in that map. The only thing that could be improved is that; spread the map out a lil' bit. If you get what I mean.

    Great map, 4/5
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Mmmm. That's the problem; I always make my maps too close together. Just force of habit. Then again, if i made the channels too wide it could have given the ghost's and hornet an unfair advantage.

    I've decided that instead of shoehorning infection into this (partly because I'd have to change the spawns and resub it to AGAIN) I'll make a different map, based enitrely on this, yet slightly different. So keep your eyes peeled for it; I'll probably submit it in the casual section, but there'll be a link here too.

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