Motel Infect

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Crazyjester, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    I will have inside pics up in a couple of days and thanks for the input

    Keep on downloading

    lol the argument stopped......

    to the top

    to the top
  2. burkey

    burkey Ancient
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    overall the map looks pretty good sure the cover is kinda boring but the motel/hotel whatever you wanna call it looks great the only thing i can add is just maybe put on some pics
    p.s. First Post W00T!
  3. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    Kryticate, rather than being an ass, how about real constructive critisism, instead you have made a mockery of his work.
    What is up with you? Yes, some bits are odd, but dude, its got GOOD points aswell,
    I think the main hotel building is great, although some parts a little odd, maybe you could try and change the outer barriers as well, try making them a little more ascietic, other tan that I like it, although the turret could prove to be a problem...
  4. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    alright, so the hotel was awesome. I loved jumping around on it as a human and stuff.. for ppl complaining about the turret it isn't a problem you can't really get a good aim anyways with them. The weapons seemed pretty nicely layed out. ( I found the sword you kinda hid in a tube on the side of the hotel) I felt like I was kinda playing Fatkid against a weak zombie though..

    The only thing I reccomend is to keep adding ways inside of the hotel, don't get me wrong there were a lot but it does make it better. Also, for the consumers liking, just tidy up the outside. The blocks laying around like that were very unnecessary.

    Overall it was a very nice hotel, but I just got bored for some reason while I was playing. An excitement factor needs to be added in somewhere.
  5. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    The aesthetics look great, especially for an infection game. The only problem is the cover. No offence, but it really does look like you just threw out a bunch of boxes all over the place.

    I really like how the scaffolding looks for some reason. I never seem to use that piece well, and you used it like a pro!

    I won't get to play this, however. My Halo isn't working for some reason =P. So, off of aesthetics, I'll give you an 3.5/10. Remove the boxes for some more interesting cover, and that'll probably be a 4 or 5 =P.

    I really wish I could play though >_<.

    Oh, and
    Kryticate, why do you care so much about realism? Especially with a casual Halo map? If you want realism so bad, buy CoD or Rainbow Six. This isn't supposed to be realistics (Zombies don't exist >_>), it's just supposed to be fun. Just chill, it's his first map he posted here, and you're tearing it to shreds. Also, regardless of if it's our map or not, we still have the right to defend a guy who can make good maps.
  6. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    Kryticate you need to STFU you have more posts on here then the author... don't pick apart his map your constructive **** isn't needed as he stated. It's his first map be a little @#$%ing nicer he can always make a V2. Btw, its not constructive criticism its called FLAMING, which is a crime on these forums.

    Anyways, about the map. Looks good, as a hotel it doesn't need the restraunts etc, a hotel is a commercial lodge with INDOOR entrances, and a motel is commercial lodging with OUTDOOR room entrances. Plenty of motels have restraunts, pools, stores, etc... I haven't played it yet, need to clear some space before i dl i always max my thing with these maps lol. Maybe an elevator if you can incorporate it and its not yet there, or a little restraunt or store JUST as a possible last stand point or something NOT A REQUIREMENT *cough* krypticate *cough* good job, keep forging better then my first map. 4/5
  7. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    It does have an elevator in it but there is no pools and ya a lot of people have been telling me the diff between a motel and hotel. i thought motel infect sounded darker then hotel infect. lol
  8. LusciousOldMan

    LusciousOldMan Ancient
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    Kryticate: First of all we all know the difference between a hotel and a motel you don't have to copy and paste the dictionary's definition for us. It's just a name who cares. Second, the guy already said that the man cannon spawns later so the zombies can use it to get to the roof. If you want realism, think of it as a window washer platform/lift. But wait, there's nothing realistic about zombies either so stop being so anal. And stop contradicting yourself. You complain about how a turret would just dominate everything without considering the fact that zombies will be coming up from behind him, yet you say having cover for the zombies is a bad idea ("is there really that much junk in front of what seems to be a perfect-contidion motel"). Oh, and since your so good at looking up definitions you should know that it includes offering ideas as to how to improve it. You're just stating everyting that you think looks wrong about it which makes it just b*tching. Get over your huge ego and go buy a tampon. Maybe then you'd realize that realism has no place in a futuristic game where theres zombies and all that really matters is whether its fun or not. Notice that the only other people complaining in this thread are complaining about how you should shut the hell up.

    Crazyjester: Great job on the map. It looks and plays like a charm.
  9. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    Hey, This looks great! The outside looks just wonderful. Im definitely download and try it out. One of my suggestions would be lock the zombies and the humans in the motel. Then you could delete the blocks outside and decorate the halls a little more.

    And pay no attention to Kyrticate, Your map is just fine.



    That made me lol
    #29 King 10011, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  10. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Well the motel definately looks damn awesome but as I'm sure has been said before, the surrounding area is in need of a fix up. The random objects outside could definately be changed so that they resemble something such as semis, crashed vehicles or whatever. Also if you geomerged them it would make the map look much more professional. It looks like you spent a lot of time working on the motel and just rushed the outside to get the map done. Still it is a good map with decent gameplay so 4/5 from me, and if you fix the outer area then I'd probably change it to a 5/5.
  11. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Hmm, I guess it looks like a decent map but you need pictures of the inside, not just the outside. And what is with all the "random objects" only in front of it? You should have put them so they were actually surrounding the building. Anyway like I said, can't download a map that I can't even see the inside of, it would just be a waste of my HDD if it was bad.
  12. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    sorry first post so my second map you can expect more.
  13. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    im afraid i'm going to have to agree with KRY, in the first pic I thought the building looked awesomely well done, but DEFINITELY looks like a hotel, not a motel.

    also, once I saw the cover in front I thought it seems like a last minute idea (maybe you were running out of budget?)

    what KRY is trying to say (he is being constructive so dont have a go) is that once you have a themed map (e.g. m/hotel) the rest of it should ideally fit in with this theme. like if you're building a pirate ship, you dont put mongooses on the ship. it just doesnt work. maybe you could redisgn the cover into a zombie building spawn and alletways and streets? also, perhaps you could describe the gametypes in your post.

    overall i give it 7/10 for a first post. good job

    oh yeah, nd I would like to see the inside of the building too!
  14. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    I would like to see the inside of the hotel instead of all pics of the outside- it would really help....

    Anyways.. the cover seems a little random.. seeing its a hotel maybe you should make the cover palm trees =] It would make the map more aesthetically pleasing =]
    #34 iTz Fuzzywig, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  15. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty awesome asthetic wise, although i would suggest putting more variety into the zombie cover as regular blocks dont always please the eye. i thought that the zombies had to much cover judging from your pictures but the Gameplay on this is pretty fun. Over all 4.5 out of 5. In my opinion improving the cover outside the hotel to make it look a little more realistic like putting a fence or a parking lot, in place of the blocks. i know you said u ran out of budget but there is always the option of budget glitching the map.
  16. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    I have taken all your advice about my map and my map i will be coming out with shortly i did make the cover more artistic in its appearance.
  17. oliv3r t

    oliv3r t Ancient
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    Kryticate it isnt just his job to modify the map because he might not know what to modify because it will be his first time modifyng a map so he might make it worse instead of if being better.
  18. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    I have edited a map before.........=.=
  19. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R is a jerk. He spams.

    On to the map, i gotta agree with some of the people the "motel" looks really nice and good locking(which is a good thing), so maybe its should be called motel. Or, as i read in someones post, you could use some woden planks to board up unusefull windows, that would be a good addition. Also i would most certainly download this if you change the outside of the hotel, it just looks really unneat and weird.
    I hope you v2 this thing, cuz its got some potential. Of course im saying this though without seeing the inside(you should add some pics) and without playing it. But really, good job on this and please listen to some of the criticism and change the map
  20. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    Agreed with Kry, just because it is his first map post doesnt mean the criticism should be kept down. It obviously isnt the first time he has made a map so stop being so defensive on the way that kry looks at the map and be concerned with the actual map. Another issue is the spam lately, people come in here look at the map and the first page of posts then immediately post a comment like: Kryticate is a stupid jerk and should get a life.

    Anyways....the map doesnt need the debris in the front to make it look run down, especially with the perfectly sculptured hotel standing just feet behind it. Maybe you could delete some walls on the inside and use the extra money while still keeping the rubble in front so it looks like the pieces are the fallen walls/sides of the 'motel'.

    okay, just spaced out of like an hour of facebook then coming back midway in my comment....geez i forgot what i was going to say

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