Does anyone know if I can make fallen weapons (aka weapons from dead players) either fall through the floor of the map or disappear immediately? I know that on Foundry weapons fell through objects like crates, but I can't find anything similar on Sandbox. I would just disable weapon pickup, but I want players to be able to take weapons at their spawn areas, but not from fallen enemies/teammates. Any help is much appreciated.
Just make the spawn traits allow weapon pickup for around 10 seconds, and then they will only be able to pick up weapons for the first 10 seconds that they are alive. The only problem is that it doesn't work the first time you spawn, so you would have to make everybody die on their first life somehow. Killballs work on Sandbox, Starting points outside the map work on Foundry.
For the original base player settings, set it to disabled. Go to Advanced Respawn Settings > Respawn Modifiers or something along those lines, there should be an option where it lets you set how long they can pick up weapons, make sure to make it enabled, it will let them pick up weapons for x seconds.
Thanks a lot guys. I'm about to go try it, but I have one more question to ask. I'm pretty sure it's not possible, but is there any way I can make different custom powerups have different properties (one for extra speed, one for less speed, etc.)?