Sandbox night's battle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by lets sayim bigr, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. lets sayim bigr

    lets sayim bigr Ancient
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    Map Title: night's battle
    this is my first competitve map that i have mad on any map. i enjoyed making it although it got very frustrating and i eventually ran out of items. i did not use money glitch for this. i suggest if playing any game type you put infinite ammo on your guns as there are onyl a few guns on the map. i hope you all enjoy the map and here it is

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    there are only 4 snipers 2 on each base and 8 battle rifles 3 in each base and 2 in the middle. recommened if playing any type of game you put your ammo to infinfite as the length of the map you either need to be a perfect shot or you jsut lose you ammo.

    overview of the map

    one base from front

    other base from behind

    middle of map

    another full piuc from side angle to give you more of an idea of the length
    thankyou and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    you nedd to decrease your amount of snipers to 1maybe 2. half the amount of battle rifles and add more of a variety of weapons. You also need some weapons to counteract your air vehicles. Talking of air vehicles make it sothere is either 2 banshees or 2 hornets to make it more fair. Also for your map design you should make it more of a circle shape because how you have built your map at the moment means that the moment you have control of the middle it makes it rediculously easy to spawn kill.
  3. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    This is alright for a first in terms of structure, but there's definitely a few areas you could work to make this even better.

    > More cover. The snipers and br's don't have oddles of cover at the bases, which can makes firefights kind of dull in comparison to other maps. More cover's needed in the middle as well, as I'm pretty sure no-one will get near to the overshield without being sniped first.
    > Balance the air vehicles. A hornet pretty much minces anyone in foot here, and with no cover, it becomes a long slog for anyone to stay alive whilst still aiming for the other base. Maybe a spartan laser in the middle would counter this without making the aircraft useless.

  4. lets sayim bigr

    lets sayim bigr Ancient
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    thankyou both of you ill muck around with the map tomorrow to add a few things into it and hopefully get it a bit better
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    You need to bamance the air vehicles out with a power weapon or mabye a few plasma pistols. You need more cover. DID U EVEN TEST THIS MAP? It looks like you just plugged in another controller just so you could have another random person in the game. Anyway you should test this map before you post it. I'm not impressed.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ha not enough weapuns made me lul. there are clearly enough wepons here to supply an army. and a hornet is not the unsc equivalent to a banshe, i thas superior handeling and firepower, the banshee just has speed.
    if it helps, the design of the middle is nice.
  7. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    the middle looks very nicely done but the two bases really need more work. i would suggest making the hornets transport hornets not regular hornets as the transports are weaker and do not have missles. you should put 1 sniper in each base and a plasma pistol in the middle to counter the hornets. other then that it looks like a good map and a definite DL from me.
  8. lets sayim bigr

    lets sayim bigr Ancient
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    thanks everyone for the feedback greatly appreciated.
  9. used man

    used man Ancient
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    you seem to have a decent idea, and the forging is good enough. Your two main problems seem to be lack of cover, and unbalanced weapons. for a map like this, just drop the banshee and hornet, they don't fit in at all. rearrange the weapons so each base has a sniper, and the middle contains a different power weapon. next, elaborate the middle so it isnt just one long street with nothing on it, add higher paths and columns holding them up. maybe even make a path on the side. If you do all this, this map could be considered decent.

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