Has anyone found this effect yet? It looks a lot clearer in game like you can see right through yourself. I was just messing around when I found it. easier than the normal silhouette effect. and looks a little different. I havent seen it yet.
I know about the other one with the white background but this one is different and only requires the camo and nothing else. You can also get stuff like this... It is just A LOT easier than the whole place a respawn area.. start new round etc etc...
No, it's a really old effect and it's overused. Find something unique instead of getting it off youtube.
I didnt get it off youtube. I knew about the old one with the respawn areas and I was messing around on Epitaph and thought i might be able to use The windows to the same effect.
once one person says it is old, that is enough. stop spamming. it is a good effect. i don't believe in these things being too old.