So i made this map called Hapticide, and i took screenshots and whatnot but now im stuck. My photobucket won't upload screenshots and i can't find where i copy the link to post my map from. Im totally new to this site help would be greatly appreciated -vincehax (sorry if i couldn't find a tutorial on it. I looked - promise)
I will simplify your problem really easy. Go to and type your Gamertag in the search bar on the home page and all of your screenshots should appear. Here, I'll eliminate that whole process for you by linking you your page, containing your screenshots. ...LINK...
Ok, go to your bungie profile and click file share. Find your map that is on your fileshare and click it. Then it should open up its own page. Copy and paste the link from that page, and there you go.
You need to remove one of those screenshots because your map has to be in your File Share in order for people to download it. Once you do that, put your map in your File Share and click on it. Copy the url at the top and paste it in your map post. In order to link it, high light whatever text you want, click on the "Insert Link" button, paste the url, and click ok.
Thank you guys so much. Now i can start making maps and posting them YAY! -mod can close this thread now TY -vincehax
Ill get it locked for ya... In the future, if you have any more questions, feel free to contact me, I'll do the best I can to help you out.