Fight Club Created by footballfan757 Supported Gametypes: WAR Map Description This Map Features 4 starting arenas. Once one person dies in each a grav lift spawns. Go up the grav lift and through the teleporter. And you come to another arena where the last four fight. A Man cannon spawns for the last two. And they go to one bug arena to fight. The gametype WAR is a one life random weapon fight to the end. This map is not like other maps of its kind. Action Shots This is an over view of the Final Arena. An up close shot at the final arena. Rockets just blew this guy away. Kill from the grave. Round OVER. Another Elite getting owned. Gravity Hammer is doing its job. Gravity Hammer got OWNED. Never Even a chance . Just keep running. Just keep running. O MY.... Thanks for looking at my map. This map is interlocked in areas that are needed. Please leave constructed criticism so I can inprove on my map. For the record ANY SPAM POST WILL BE REPORTED. Download Fight Club Download WAR
Well for one, it has been done so don't try and say that it's "not like any of it's kind." Second, from your small description, I'm assuming that the gametype is basically random weapons. What happens when someone spawns with a magnum and they have to fight someone who has rockets?
That doesn't seem very fair... Oh well, it would have been better if it was based off the movie and had the bar and everything.. but what you did is okay.. I guess. Also, there doesn't seem to be that much interlocking... which might effect gameplay.. Overall: 2.5/5.. It's not very original, and not balanced /constructive criticism
I hate how people are always saying how unoriginal stuff is on here. Forging has been around for almost 2 years and of course a lot of things have been thought up. Maybe footballfan didn't see the versions of this in foundry so he thought he had something. Anyway, seems like fun. I'll rate after the dl