All halo 3 mlg players look here.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by x 2awesome x v2, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. x 2awesome x v2

    x 2awesome x v2 Ancient
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    Why do you guys get so pissed whenever playing Halo? It's just a game. Whenever I play, all I here is "top gold", "bottom blue", "diagonal purple", "upside-down triangle", and I'm just wondering... why? Why do you guys get so mad? I don't care if I got four shot or if some camping "noob" assassinated you with a rocket launcher. Don't hate the player, hate the game. The game is what designed camping, so don't get mad if people do it. Because you guys are just obviously too stupid to check your corners because you can "no scope" a guy from "across the map". So here's a hint, check your corners, learn the camping spots, and maybe... just maybe... one day whenever that "camping noob" tries to assassinate you from around the corner, you will say "Good job young lad, nice thinking".
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Yeah... we're not really MLG here. Try somewhere else like an MLG forum.
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    It's all based on someone's personality. Not everyone does that. Just the major players. They might just be having a bad day. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
  4. x 2awesome x v2

    x 2awesome x v2 Ancient
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    I'm sorry. I was mislead by the "Halo 3 MLG Discussion" forum. Next time I try to put this in the "Non-MLG Section" because that makes COMPLETE sense.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Because some find it annoying when they can't seem to beat the other team. You just happen not to find it annoying.
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Not much MLG people here, but there are some.
    Including me.

    You seem to be taking it a bit seriously when you get yelled at by a player...
    Try not to take these things seriously on LIVE or the internet. It just isn't worth the headache at all.

    And please try to refrain from generalizing MLG players, it really makes you look ignorant.
    #6 Shanon, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Why do you guys get so pissed whenever someone gets pissed playing Halo? It's just a game. Whenever I'm not playing, all I hear is "Stop getting mad", "It's just a game!", "Don't take things so seriously!" and I'm just wondering... why? Why do you guys get so mad? I don't care if some guy screamed or you got assaulted by some noob who called you a BK. Seriously, don't hate the player, hate yourself. This game designed anger, so don't get mad if other people do. Because you guys are just obviously too stupid to check your rants because you can "insult" a guy from "across the internet". So here's a hint, take your joystick, highlight the angered players name, and maybe... just maybe... one day when some angry MLG player screams into his mic, you can mute him and say "Good job young lad, you made yourself look like an idiot."
    #7 X5, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  8. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    I may be wrong but last time i checked the above bold isn't a player getting mad, from what i've heard in rumors, their called "call-outs" isn't that amazing?

    And in all honesty, once you play with "Good MLG players" you'll never hear anyone getting mad. Only in the 1-low 40's in MLG do you hear this. The reason i know your probably playing with lower MLG ranks is underlined.
    #8 Nestik, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    People have a right to be interested or even passionate about whatever they want.
  10. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    You were talking about these---->top gold bottom blue diagonal purple upside-down triangle Those are callouts.
    People dont use callouts when they are angry. They use them to communicate. When your playing high level MLG then you need to have good teamwork if you want to win.

    The only time when I get mad playing MLG is when its really laggy.

    And why do you get so mad when other people get mad.
    And im sure you dont say "Good job young lad, nice thinking"
  11. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Did you know that MLG is a professional sport dude? People play MLG for a living so finding somebody online who is serious about the game is like finding some high school football player trying to be the best they can when a college scout is at a game.

    So play the game your way and leave other MLGers alone. Would you like it if somebody made fun of something you were interested in?

    And this guy is right. ForgeHub is based off of forge. (Hence the name ForgeHub) ForgeHub is also a halo community so yes, we will have an MLG Discussion thread even though we aren't MLG.
    #11 RedNeck, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  12. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    Although this is a forge community, I bet there still a good amount of MLG players on here.

    Im more of a MLG player than a Forge/Custom Map person.
    I come on this website to get some sweet race tracks and people to play with.
    I bet im not the only one.
  13. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Perfect example ^
  14. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    I only get mad when it's somethin to get mad over. Like my noob friend being a total tard and goofing off during slayer and other competitive gametypes. Like he'll try to fing new places to drive his mongoose in team snipers (the staris on Last Resort, and other stupid places.) then gets mad when I kill him because hes not trying to be serious, then gets mad when I get mad when he kills me when Im in the bathroom, then gets even MORE mad when I call him a hypocrite. lol. And i dont use callouts, its a videogame, not the military.
  15. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Scale of stress.

    Steals my kill: Not much.
    Steals my warthog: Kinda.
    Steals my controller: Have at you!
  16. x 2awesome x v2

    x 2awesome x v2 Ancient
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    It's one thing to get mad at a game, but it's another thing to get angry over someone saying ridiculous to think these guys are taking it too seriously. It seems that some of you can not take a joke.
  17. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    I get mad because i get paired with scrubs who don't know what the F**k they're doing.
  18. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    When you are playing with level 30s in MLG you can expect them to know everything about the game.
    As you get to a higher level you should expect your team to know more things(spawns, weapon times, basic setups).
    At level 30 I wouldnt expect my team to give me a good spawn, give me a certain weapon that I am better with than they are, to know the right/wrong time to run the flag.
    As long as they dont kill them selves and try to loose, you shouldnt get that mad.
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    What the heck are you talking about? Since when do all Major league gamers get mad? I play MLG and ONLY MLG when I play halo, but I never get mad...
  20. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    imo people say callouts so they can win the game and so they dont get mad. i usually get mad only if someone steals my mlg exterm for the 25th time in my life. ive gotten through that and not really that mad over it. things get old and ull notice that u wont need to get mad over that same thing. just deal with things another way. people scream through theyre mic's cuz theyre losers.

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