This whole thread is retarded. What was your thinking in making this? "Oh, I like this map....and this map....oh and these 13 maps... I know! I'll re post all of them in Forge Discussion!" This thread is completely pointless, and should be locked. You're advertising maps that aren't yours, and if the creators want them shown, they can post them on Forge Hub. If they are already posted, and the thread has died, don't re-create a thread for that map.
I don't mean to imply that the maps he suggested aren't 'kewl', rather that the statements he made are COMPLETELY debateable. :frustrated:
No, I just like saving people the trouble of looking through tons of maps to find cool ones that are fun to play. Obviously you did not read through the thread making yourself look like a troll. If you do not want to download the maps, don't. Go back to your lurking if you are just going to try and provoke people. I made this thread so people are encouraged to make good maps to get into this list and get on the official featured list of ForgeHub as well as showing people original maps that many other people and I like.
I realize what you are doing, but as shroomz said, it would be better for a blog. You could post a link in your signature to that. It's better not to advertise maps that have been posted with a new thread. It's just not right.
New map has been added to the list, "Dead Ship". Still open for people wanting to get their map on the list.
If you're going to make a stupid, opinionated thread like this, at least take some time to tell us why you think it's "cool."