what are your opinions between these 2 games i personally prefer ODST because its well its Halo!! If you would kindly compare the two it would be most appreciated thanks!
How can you really compare two completely different genre of Games, and say which is better. This really could just be 'I like it because im a fan-boy of it' :S
They're two different games, comparing them is idiotic. Halo ODST is a glorified expansion pack, and Modern Warfare 2 is a full fledged squeal. I will most likely play both, and enjoy both games. Of course you'd have a favorite depending on what you liked, but you could never really say one game is better than the other. It's all a matter of opinion. MW2 is a far more realistic, and competitive hard-core game. If you're looking for real competitive style gameplay you'll probably favor this one more than ODST. ODST is more of a "have fun and shoot" type of game. It's not very realistic or in depth, it's just kind of a way to have fun. Albeit less fun than halo 3, this will probably be the one I log most time on. Though if you think about it this game has the disadvantage here. It's campaign only lasts a few hours, and it's multiplayer is very limited compared to MW2 and other games.
MW2 Has a campaign, a coop mode, an amazing online component. ODST has a campaign with 4 player coop, and fire fight.
Not only are they 2 completely different games, but neither of them is out yet! How is anyone suppose to compare the two properly. I guess you could compare Trailers, and Hype the games have caused, which I think ODST wins in Trailers but MW2 wins in the Hype, all of which is irrelevant because for all we know, both of them could suck.
Wait wait wait. I must have missed something here. Two completely different games? Let's have a run down. First Person Shooters: Check Some form of Co-op: Check Killer online: Check Single Player Campaign: Check I think the two games are very similar in alot of ways, even in some of their control mechanics, but that's not a bad thing. I love them both, but I'm more of a laid back kind of guy, so I play more Halo.
agreed!!! i said post your opinions KINDLY you dont have to call me a fanboy kidbomber just cuz i like halo more
Completley different genre??? Thier both First Person Shooter. Two COMPLETLEY different games are Halo3:ODST and Bioshock 2. Halo being FPS-Bioshock 2 being Action/RPG the only three people who posted kindly thier opinons were cortinator,shatakai and LOCK.cxf
MW and Halo are two of the most similar games in the industry, not only are they very similar in features, but they are built very similarly. The developers have a keen interest in creating a tense and emotional story that always has arcade'y aspects for replayability (skulls vs cheat) and scores (halo scores vs cod scores) and the multiplayer is electrifying.
i dont like when people ask "would you kindly" do something. that said, im more excited more MW2 since it is actually a full game and not an expansion pack.
you can point out all the similarities you want between halo and mw2, but the fact is they both have completely different styles of gameplay. i'm going with mw2 because it's a full fledge game, not an expansion pack of just more campaign levels. quite frankly i think bungie's just milking the halo series and while sure they always deliver a high-quality game the overall game style is just getting a little old for me.
Really now? Would you mind telling me the gameplay styles. I thought both of them consisted of jumping around and killing people with a plethora of weapons.
if your going to get that simple then they do sound the same. but think about it. this is what both of them are: halo uses a lot of crazy weapons, vehicles, and grenades to slaughter enemies. gameplay consists of running around and just using a reticule to fire at enemies. in halo you also have to find your weapons to use against people. cod uses many different weapons from a couple of different weapon types, no vehicles, and grenades are less rampant (unless of course they're being spammed by teams). gameplay is more tactical, utilizing crouching, going prone, sprinting, and cover. shooting requires you to aim down sights and deal with recoil and sometimes even holding your breath (when sniping). in cod you have custom classes where you select your own perks and weapons to use against others. there's also killstreak bonuses not found in halo. halo is a very simple shooter in my opinion whereas cod takes quite a bit more to get the hang of. bottom line, however, is that (i think we all can agree on this) that when you play both of them, the experience in one is not the same as the other, which makes them both very different.
Listen, what some people are trying to say is: They are in the same genre, but play differently. Halo has it's and simplistic gameplay, super soldiers, unrealism (in some ways, such as jumping physics, and the crosshairs/reticule) futuristic weapons and vehicles, and MW2 has it's realistic and more competitive gameplay, realistic physics, realistic weaponry and aiming, bullet physics (bullets are more likely to hit a target when aimed down the sight instead of using the rather wide crosshairs), and so forth. Realistically, you can't compare these two games just because they are the same genre. It will all come down to being a, forgive me using this term, fanboy. More or less so.
^ Lol I'm more exited for ODST, simply because i'm dyeing over the wait for it. Iv'e been hoping bungie would make an ODST game since the ODST level in Halo 2. However, i'll probable buy both games. (I'm pre-ordering ODST though.)
Well, like I said before, ODST firefight looks cool and all, but I wouldn't pay 60$ for firefight and campaign + a game that I already have. I am definitely going to get MW2 though.
there's so much to get pumped about in mw2. the only thing remotely exciting about halo: odst is the sniping pistol which we've all already played with in halo: ce