The Great Journey Map: Great Journey Gametypes: Tartarus Slayer Crazy King This is a remake of the last level in Halo 2 where you, as the Arbiter, face Tartarus on the level "The Great Journey." Weapon placement has been thought out carefully as to make a good game for players. The game "Tartarus" is infection where there is one Zombie and he has a lot of health. The objective for the Humans is to kill the Zombie without being smashed by Tartarus' hammer. Zombie: 4x overshield, 25% damage, infinite ammo Human: Normal Shields, 100% damage, non-infinite ammo It takes two hammer swings to kill a human The sword respawns every 3 minutes and plenty of grenades spawn so campers beware! I hope you enjoy the map and have fun playing on it!
you should make a vip game, if you want, i can make it for you tomorrow. you should let me edit the map though to work with vip if you want me to modify it. looks really good though.
Hah, I'm loving the idea. I can't believe nobody thought of this sooner. It looks like a greatly forged map, and accurate to the fight scene in Halo 2. I also like the upside-down Energy Sword, I don't think that's been done before. But, would the Gravity Hammer be overpowered and knock people off easily? Oh well, I guess I'll see for myself, because I'm DLing. 9/10 + DL
Geranamo, once again, fantastic work. You always come up with such fresh ideas. This map looked so good when it came together, and I'm looking forward to playing some sweet games on it.
Wow! Never seen this before. By the looks of it you have interlocked quite well. The gametype also looks pretty good but I would maybe add VIP or Juggernaut. Also try making an FFA slayer gametype with nothing to do with Halo 2. Great Job 4/5
Wow I am really impressed with this idea and map. I cant believe no one thought of this either. The map looks very detailed and that a lot of attention went into creating it. I also think pinohkio might be on to something if you are listening to ideas. Awesome job all around. Kudos
I've tried making something like this before but it failed. Kudos to the map, it looks really well made. But when I tried to make something like this, it was for infection. So basically everyone but one person was an elite, and spawned with a sword and plasma rifle but there was also a choice of a needler and something else. The only problem was that Tarturus had to spawn on a macannon and get launched to the middle part. It worked pretty well, maybe you could incoorporate that into your map because this looks really cool. Is it a one hit instant kill for Tatarus?
an alomost perfect remake should of added the little part where they jump so it feels like the last one
Im one of the unfortunate number who neither owned or played the campaign of halo 2 (not owning an original xbox). i did buy the classic halo 1, but thats about it =(. However, this map is really well forged. the floating centerpiece is just epic, how you made such a flat, perfetly round circle out of walls i'll only hope to imagine . Everything seems to have a perfect edge to it, like the way theres a barrier going round the edge of the bottom two levels. The way play is split into 3 levels is an idea iv'e barely seen implimented into maps like this, and i have to say, having played a quick game with 3 of my friends it works really well, giving plenty of oppurtinity to set amushes by hiding on the lower or higher levels. Grats on the map, i really hope this gets a feature.
Trust me I wanted to do that, but finding it was the only unnecessary part to the map made me get rid of it. And I can't place down any more objects in the map now as I have ran out of room.
I like your ideas. I will most likely not be making a v2, rather just add more to this one. I do want to point out in making a mistake of deleting the default objects on sandbox as to have a clear canvas and running out of objects earlier than I had hoped :S, but I will try to make this a tiny bit cleaner and a stronger gametype. P.S. Tartarus does not do an instant kill. He must hit and fully contact the enemy twice for him to kill them. Hope you will enjoy the add-ons!
Great game I think this could be classified more as a Mini game than a casual map because its an elimination game varrient and its very much like the final battle in Halo 2 minus SGT Johnson lol. Great game I had some fun on this and Id like it if you made more of theses boss battle games . Possible the heretic fight where you fight 4 eliets at the same time that are all dual wielding PR's ?:}
Wow. You did a great job with this. All I have to say is the same thing as Kryticate: make it look like there's a beam in the middle, if at all possible.