yeah, just looking for a better infect map, sandbox DOES mess up interlocking, but it IS bigger. Foundry has better color scheme and door.:frustrated:
They are both very good maps, Foundry is mostly for maps like mansions and limited space where Sandbox you can incorporate all 3 levels to make a very cool map with many objects, and there is way more space. Personally if the map doesn't suck I love playing both of them, I would suggest doing Sandbox since more people are making maps on that now.
Foundry has more scenery objects making for good barricades and since everyone is making maps on Sandbox mix it up and go back to Foundry.
They are both good maps to forge infeciton on. Its depending on what kind of map you are hoping to make, like others said, Foundry is a bit better to make houses on due to what kind of objects it has. Sandbox i think is more meant for bigger sized maps.
Just to point out, that it's about suiting the needs for your idea. It doesn't even have to be either one of those two...
I'd just like to point out that sandbox does have the same objects you would generally need to make a good mansion.