Dead Ship

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Doomsdale, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    Welcome to the USG Itsahalo where alien outbreaks are a daily occurrence!

    Our Story so far...
    The USG Itsamura has recently surveyed a desert moon. However, they find an alien lifeform and capture and bring it aboard.

    You know where this is going...

    The alien escapes and begins killing off your crew.

    That's when your last story comes alive.

    Follow the dead men walking in their last stand!:

    Your has been keeping a close eye on your catch.


    And your catch, has been keeping an eye on its food.


    Daring not to look, your crew has two choices. Stay and wait for their impending doom, OR GET THE H3!! OUT OF THERE!


    As you hear the people who stayed behind's fateful screams, your crew heads through the quarantine checkpoint. There, they can activate the blast door.


    Keep up with the group! Because if the selfish ones make it there first, you may just be just left out.


    They tried to hold out as long as they could for theircrew, but had to close it before it was too late. Luckily, there was only one casualty.


    But then again, if you're locked out, you might stand a chance by going through the air vent systems. Hopefully the aliens haven't found it before its too late...


    Meanwhile, your crew goes through the door and into the hangar. "Get to 'da escape pod!"


    Your escape pod lands on the desert moon.


    The pyramid, where the chaos was started, is now your safe haven filled with weapons to make your last stand. It may be a while, if ever, for a rescue vehicle to come by.


    Just be warned, if you open the entrance in the cliff cave, you may be unleashing more than you bargained for...

    Start your escape here: : Halo 3 File Details
    *UPDATED v1.2 CLICK*

    Get the gametype for your escape here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Tips for your escape:
    -Run as soon as the game starts. If the alien is experienced, it can cut you off before you get to the stairs!
    -Don't bother with the teleporter at the beginning.
    -Be nice, and let people through the Quarentine area before you close it. You don't want to die alone do you?
    -If you get locked out, you can go back to the top of the stairs and go through the vents to get to the hangar.
    -When you get to the pyramid, its safer to stay there and protect yourselves than to run to the hills. Aliens easily blend into the dark and can sneek up from behind!
    -When you are the alien, and after winding through the vents and getting to the pyramids, go to the cliff cave and unblock the teleporter! Now you just cut the distance in half to get there!
    -If the last man standing is back in the ship and all the zombies are at the pyramids, you can jump into the teleporter above the cliff cave to get and assist back to the ship.

    *Whileobviouslythetitlesatires "DeadSpace" themapisnotdesignedtobelikeasitisonlyinspired. Experiencesmayvary.*
    #1 Doomsdale, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    ...Positively awesome! I'll download ASAP and play with friends later. Gotta finish some Youtube videos then go to bed :|

  3. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Amazing map, nice job! 10/10. I had an idea for this and you look like you executed it very well!
  4. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Looks extremely fun. I'll download it and try it out.

    One question, how did you make your vents?
  5. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    Well, its not the conventional vent. Its a futuristic vent.
    The enterances are just upside down half walls (Reference picture). The vents, themselves are corridors that go up into the ceilings and behind the walls.
  6. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Can you stand inside the vents?
  7. LockeGenRedux

    LockeGenRedux Ancient
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    Intresting Concept. It looks like a very well build map. I like how you can allow the zombies back into the ship, so that the last man cant be cheap and camp inside the ship.

    Was there One zombie or multiple ones at the beginning? I only saw one, but to make sure...
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ha USG Itsahalo nice.
    it looks alot like cave freaks. except on a "desert moon." it looks really good though.
    try taking out the wepons at the pyramid, if there is an armoury. i cant tell as you have no pics of it and i cant check myself untill tomorrow.
  9. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    looks likei nice map, but the whole outside part is not a good idea. just letting people run around in packs make them almost unstoppable. still the structures are nice.
  10. avocado100

    avocado100 Ancient
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    Your map is one of the best maps I have ever seen. It is a good size and it has many ways for the zoimbie to kill the humans. awsome 10/10
  11. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    Funny. You would think that. But the larger amount of people you have, the more people scatter and flaws occur in plans. The structures provide excellent cover for both the aliens and humans. And sometimes, the aliens just come out of nowhere. (I've had that happen, and scare the sock off me. It happens a lot when you're hiding in the hills, as the aliens blend in with the dark sand making it hard to see them.)

    Yes, it is and armory. But, I've tried other variations of weapon placement, that is the best layout for them in this type of map. So just, trust me on this one. Also, the ammo doesn't respawn very fast if at all (I remember setting it to respawn, but I don't think it does).

    It only takes one zombie to kill them all.

    #11 Doomsdale, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  12. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Wow, really nice map. I was just thinking about making a map with a blast door kind of thing where you might need to lock some players out.
    Anyway, I tried this out and there are a few spots that you might want to consider looking at, if you haven't found them already. The most important one we found was that it's pretty easy to camp the alien spawn with a shotgun or rockets.There's a small little ledge on one of the blocks at the cave area where the humans can jump off of into the teleporter. Next is with the trip mine you can pretty much go anywhere as the humans since they have full sheilds - like a grenade jump.

    Anyway, that's it for the big issues I found. There were some small ones, but they were just annoying, not really something that would wreck the game though. I like how the vents are always twisting and turning so theres no straight part where the humans can just camp and kill the aliens. Very well done map overall though. 9/10
  13. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    Ledge eh? I'll check that out and fix it. Thanks! I think I might delete the trip mine and move the teleporter receiver to keep them for doing that.
  14. CaseyWUK

    CaseyWUK Ancient
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    From the pictures it looks great, I love the whole idea of the drop pod, I'll download this and play it with some friends.
  15. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    OK, I looked at some people's suggestions (and my own notes) and I've tweaked it a little bit.


    -Hidden ledge by cave in the cliff is now gone.
    -Pushed the teleporter back to keep people from jumping on the fusion coils.
    -Added ramp into the cave of the cliff.
    -Moved the teleporter receiver in the ship to the lower hall to keep humans from camping.
    -Fixed spawn times (Might still need tweaking)
    -Deleted trip mine.
  16. Caboose54321

    Caboose54321 Ancient
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    This is amazing! I'm a fan I dead space and It has the same feel as the game! 10/10!
  17. Jaf x T3

    Jaf x T3 Ancient
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    its a amazing map, played it yesterday but the only bad thing was there is only 1 way on to the surface that we could find and it just ended up people sniping/rocket and machine gun turret the people coming through the teleporter
  18. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    1 way? There are 3 teleporters to the surface.
  19. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    Reminds me alot of dead space, and i love dead space, great job on this idea, im downloading this and im going to compare to dead space, that is if that was your inspiration, 10/10

    - Some Trees
  20. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quoted in thread for relevancy unknown.

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