Okay so yes I'm still alive and yes I haven't forgot about you wonderful people ;p. Any who, I searched for days on this forum looking for maps and I must say you guys did fantastic on these! Summer maps are always the best because people can direct more attention on their maps and not have to worry about school stuff. Fantastic job to all of you who made maps and if you do not see your map this go around don't worry! I have more ready for the next one. I didn't want to bore you guys with a long one so I took the short road this time. Also, I know I usually upload on You Tube but you know how WMG is. :\ Megaupload will take like 30 seconds to download it. Plus it's better quality downloading it anyways . Enjoy! Megaupload Version: FH Maps 2009 - IV or Youtube Version: YouTube - FH maps 2009 - IV
Finally...I thought this series was dead. Thankfully not XD Nice video, I hope you do this like at least once a week now.
Aw mines did nots make its =( Just kidding haha, I'm glad you chose the maps you chose. When is the 5th one coming out?
WMG disabled audio on that one too so I put it on halotube.com then halotube shut down so it doesn't exist anymore.
You should reupload it with a different song perhaps? Or Audioswap with some gay song, I just wanna see it.
By how incredibly amazing they are and how well they are built and played on. Doesn't take a rocket scientist
conkerkids map exhibition deserves to be in there much more than impossible or quantum, or even Olympian(made by me). other than that, pretty good.
To tell you the truth, Exhibition was going to be the map I was going to end with haha! It's going to be in the next one for sure don't worry.