I am so close to finishing a capture the flag map on Sandbox and as I was putting in the spawn points I got the error message "Could not create object. Too many on map." I still have a little money in my budget and i don't know what to do to fix this problem because I don't want to delete anything. If you know how to solve this please help me! Thank you. - SPAGETTII
The problem is that every map has an object limit. Sandbox, Foundry, and every Pre-DLC map has an object limit. Now with more space to work with, more objects must be used and thenyou will run into that error more often. If you have the time to rebuild it, I would suggest an Original Objects Canvas for Sandbox. In a Bungie.net post they explained that even when you delete the original objects on Sandbox, the object limit will still react like they are still in use and there fore you loose a great amout of object space. On a stacked canvas these objects are all stacked to the side giving you a larger amount of objects for your map and I must say that it really helps overcome the problem.
Well you must have atleast some objects you could delete right? If you are done maybe delete some weapons or unneeded scenery
Hmm. Looks like you ran into the dreaded OLN. That blows. I honestly don't know what to tell you except that you should use an OLN Canvas next time. Major suckage. Sorry, man.
Thanks guys. I definitely can't re-do the map on a different canvas but I guess I'll just delete some grenades and such. I appreciate the responses. Look out for the map coming soon btw.
There is a post somewhere explaining how to bypass the item limit. Not like infinitely, but by like 15 or so. I have no idea where to find it though, try using search.