So I got bored today and decided to go take some screenshots from the campaign. All of these screenshots are from the level Sierra 117. I'm sure you have seen most of these before, and there are no special effects or anything. Just simple things you may or may not have notice before, so enjoy. Pinnacle Rush King Urgency Last Resort The Catch Leap of Faith Solitary Legend Not much I know, but let me know if you like these.
Wow, there all really nice, especially for campaign. My favorites are Pinnacle and Solitary, because they both have pretty nice scenery. The Catch made me chuckle a bit as well. Bravo.
I liked about half of them, the more sceneryish ones. Leap of Faith, Urgency, Last Resort, The Catch, and Stealth aren't that great.
These are really good. I never noticed the Solitary in that level. And i agree, the scenery ones are better than the other ones. Great job.
Some like the pic with the dead Jackle could of been left out. But the first few nature shots were very very cool. Nature Photography in a major FPS always makes me laugh Oh the fish one made me laugh to. I could see some really funny photos made with a fish haha.
Rush and King are quality shots that can be in a Halo 3 nature show and others are good too, the fish one made me lol.