Sandbox Timberwolf

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by SPRdragon, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    Yeah, I made another one.

    Some of you might not have seen my first creation, so here's the link. This was very difficult to make, considering I spent pretty much the whole budget. I was also worried I'd run out of important objects, like the double blocks, large blocks, etc. Technically I did, but I was able to work around it without reaching the dreaded object limit number.

    Once again, this is purely for aesthetics and to mess around with other vehicles. The first screenie is just for show, I didn't keep in the ink effect.

    Front View

    Side View

    Rear View

    Shoulder View

    Arm View


    Link to Download

    Once again, the inside is just a room full of teleporters, leading to both the feet and the rockets. Personally, I'm not quite sure if like this better than the Cougar. You can decide for me :)
    #1 SPRdragon, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    How is this a switch? I'd change the prefix to sandbox or Mythic DLC or whatever they have if I were you. Anyways, I like your other one more personally, but it's clear that you worked hard on this one as well. You're getting better at forging(I can see where you're applying the more advanced techniques which is good) and I thought the legs were interesting although... they look a bit skinny for the massive robot :p good job overall, keep it up!
    #2 Rifte, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  3. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    The front view looks amazing but the side view makes it look very off balance as if it would fall backwards if it were not made of immovable blocks. And I agree why is this under switch?
  4. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "Coming from a HUGE mechassault fan (myself) this is great. The authenticity is spot on and the forging itself looks good. I give it a 4.9999/5 because who in their right mind cares about a Cougar mech? Seriously. Mad Cat, Ragnarok, Promethius, or Uziel if you like the light mechs.....but a Cougar. Anyways this is awesome and I love anything that is related to one of the most underrated online multiplayer games out there. Love it. Keep it up." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
  5. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    It just said Aesthetics for Switch, so I wasn't quite sure lol

    And yeah, I would've made the legs thicker, except I ran out of ramps...

    Thanks though :)
  6. Roflman117

    Roflman117 Ancient
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    Lol this is weird.
  7. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I think this one is better than the cougar! Your mechs look very well done, but might look better if you interlocked to remove cracks and smooth sharp turns. Anyhow, great work, and I look forward to seeing a Star Adder 'mech in the future!
  8. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    A Star Adder, huh? Hmm....maybe I could place a couple of kill balls on its twin cannons; if I ever made one ;)

    I think it's weird how these mechs are the only things I can actually make on Forge. Not so good at map design.
    #8 SPRdragon, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  9. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Personally I think this is far superior to your first mech, maby try to move the top half forword because it looks like its going to fall backwards, maby try interlocking a little more aswell because this map is good but if you correctly used interlocking it could become great :p
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Lol this is spam.

    Well there's a tab type thing and if you click it you have some choices, sandbox would have been the correct prefix. I noticed your other robot was set as a switch as well lol.
    Here's how you do it, and it's different for every genre of maps I think but the map(sandbox, foundry pre DLC ect) will always be there. It says switches because the aesthetics section is only where switches belong. Just as conquest variant prefixes are only available in the competitive secion.
    (For here, just select sandbox)

    Paint skills of win. Just make sure you get it right next time, I don't think there's any way you can change the prefix yourself now unless maybe a mod does it for you.

    For the legs maybe you could've substituted some of the ramps with fins or something, but are you thinking of making any more bots? Because if you do may I suggest changing the arms differently... I personally hate how the tubes look, but the feet are made exceptionally well structure and object choice wise.
    #10 Rifte, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  11. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Sweet! Glad to see people still like Mechassault! This is a great idea for a map, but maybe add a couple of small houses if possible.

  12. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    I used the tubes because to me it made the most sense: they were big enough and you could shoot lasers from them to make it look like it was actually doing something.

    If I did create another mech, and decided to change the arms to make them look better, I'd probably have to sacrifice the fun of blowing tanks up with it. Unless I create a circle using four archs for the guns...
  13. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    If you were to create another mech , I would suggest more 'automatic' weapons/artillery.
    E.g. Cannons that use Man Cannons to fire fusion coils and other projectiles, also, locked down vehicles are very useful, you can fit a Gauss Warthog in one of the tubes and lock it down so the Gauss cannon replaces a Spartan Laser, you could use locked down wraiths/scorpions for heavy artillery, Hornets for locking missiles, etc.
  14. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    OMG yes! I saw the name Timberwolf and was like hmm well it has the same name as my old favourite mech from MechWarrior 2 (so good), so I might as well check it out, only to find it was actually THE Timberwolf :)

    Awesome stuff.
  15. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    it looks pretty cool but why is it under switch and what it is supposed to be
  16. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Just out of curiosity, how did you go about making this? Did you do it from memory, or did you have a picture of the Timberwolf right beside you as you forged? Just wonderin'. Oh, and it looks spectacular, by the way, though I agree that the legs are pretty thin for something that heavy, as people have said before me.
  17. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    Mostly memory, though I did play around a little bit in MechAssault 2 just to get an idea of where exactly the missile silos were in proportion to it's arms and shoudlers.

    I did the best I could with the legs, in fact, after I first built them I realized that I was on my way to making a giant chicken instead! After adding some blocks to beefen them up, I realized that was as far as Forge would let me go, considering I ran out of ramps and blocks; not to mention the budget.

    I'm still kind of new here, so I wasn't quite sure if a statue should be considered a Sandbox map...switch just said Aesthetics so I clicked that. Oh, and this is what I made:

    #17 SPRdragon, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  18. Dude2133

    Dude2133 Ancient
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    love the map 4.5/5 next time for your next mech your can make the cockpit which you could go in and other areas
  19. SPRdragon

    SPRdragon Ancient
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    I'd really have to use my imagination to make the cockpit idea work. Right now the only ways to go in are through the feet, which teleport you inside. From there, you can teleport to the arms and gun racks, from where you can fire lasers and rockets. That's the real fun.
  20. ZhonLord

    ZhonLord Ancient
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    I'd like to see an Atlas (MechAssault2) remade here. That was an awesome mech, and it would be a challenge to create weapon areas for it without ruining the overall image.
    #20 ZhonLord, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009

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