A Chance To Win 4000 Microsoft Points(J RUN) JUMP COMPETITION First Place 4000 MS Made by x Joshington x and SiN 4 Shotz Rules are all in the video Game Variant:: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Map:: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Youtube link:: YouTube - Halo 3 Challenge - WIN MICROSOFT POINTS! | J RUN | - Watch Now! Thanks to Skeetzy...and the testers Competition Ends September... Good Luck!
I played something like this yeterday... Anyways, looks pretty cool, the map itself is not that hard but the fact that you must complete it before the power-up runs out is annoying. Also you need at least 1 pic.
Even though you have a video doesn't mean do don't need pics, you still ahve to have one whether you like it or not. The map doesn't look hard, but the fact that you have to do it fast makes it harder.
Does everyone that plays this map only qualify if they beat the time in the video? Who was that, anyway?
The player jumping was just to show the map. best time wins x Joshington x and I may not compete so his run doesn't count.
This is a really fun and unique map to play on with friends or by yourself. I'm a fan of jump maps, and the main thing that makes one good is uniqueness. Every new idea used makes a jump map better. This whole idea is new to me, and it is really fun. I love playing this with my friends and they do too, so it is a great map. I've beaten this map now, and I just need to send it to you to have a shot at winning the microsoft points. I was wondering if you could submit more than one time. I may wait a while before I do if you can. Also, won't each successful run be about the same time because of how fast you must do each section? All in all I think this map is very unique and fun for more than one person. I give it a 5/5 and a spot on my hard drive at least until the end of the month. Are you going to make a jump map with a section like this map, and more sections after that. If not, do you mind if I do something like that? Great map, and keep jumping!