What if for a new guitar hero game (obviously not for 5 because the somewhat lame setlist is already made) the game came with no songs but still cost full retail price. Then, your first 100 downloaded songs are FREE. That way, you make your own setlist. Anyone else think this is a good idea?
How about they actualy make a setlist that is good, instead of ****ing overloading it with old **** like they always do.
Just because something is old does not mean it is bad. Besides, most older songs have an exaggerated guitar part, which makes it more fun to play imo.
lol, well I don't even play guitar hero, because I can't afford the guitar, but I would like to play stuff that I listen to, instead of what my parents listen to. All I am saying is that the target audience of GH is kids/teenagers around age 11-18 and the majority of that age group certainly do not listen to Johhny Cash, Elton John, KISS, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, or Thin Lizzy >.>
Oh I'm sure they have. Plus by the time the game came out they could release 100 more. Maybe they could have all the songs from previous GH games as dlc also.
Well if you played you would know. Most songs these days focus on voice rather than guitar. Alot of songs that would be used for the game would be a boring chordfest, which nobody wants to play. And I'll speak from experience here. More than likely, you will hate to play songs that you actually like and listen to, and your favorite songs will be songs that you had no desire to play, but after playing it enough it grew on you.
no i agree with Dow <3, the one thing stopping me from buying guitar hero is all the old songs that only people with black led zeppelin shirts or my parents enjoy. speaking of which, has anyone ever seen a white led zeppelin shirt?
The old songs make for good gameplay. If you don't have random, exaggerated, long guitar parts it become monotonous. And the old songs offer all of that in their guitar work. So you see, it's a matter of function. And besides, all those "old, famous, overplayed" songs are famous and overplayed because they're good kids.