Slik and dream... always when you guys get together you make the greatest map i've seen till that point. i remember the same thing happening with meltdown this track is amazing. no errors only good things. smooth banks, awesome lift. great layout. i dont have anything else to say besides... Perfect track
Ok maybe I'm wrong for commenting on this since I don't have a 360, but this looks amazing. I think the layout of the track looks great and I love the fact that you guys brought back that quasar feel with the elevator. All of the turns and hills look incredibly smooth and the theme of the map looks beautiful. Some people have been saying the rocket doesn't look to well, but to me from the pics, the rocket looks amazing. Anyways Great job guys on the track. Can't really give it a rating since I haven't tried it, but I'm sure I'd give it a 5/5 once I do try it. And please people, give Slik more credit. Must I remind you that he did make most of the track itself.(No offense Dream)
I really like the spaceship, the flow of the map very nice, i love this particular map mostly because of the amazing blending, great job. 11/10 fTw 0.o
I didn´t notice the spaceship first but now I see it. The turns are amazingly well done. I guess I´m gonna have alot of fun with my friends on this map
Yea really. And I loved the track. Left and right turns both, super smooth, AMAZING use of the banked wave, the rocket ship is ****IN SWEET, the lift at the beginning worked out perfectly, it's a decently long map. Rating this a 10 was one of the easiest things I have done in a while. Great job guys.
You fail to let me down, great blending, great aesthetics (nice rocket dude!), awesome racing gameplay, double wide, GREAT MAP
Thanks for all the sweet comments guys.. SLiK and I might be starting a new project soon. This one will be just as epic if not more than this one! It is a really cool theme too. Let me just give you a hint and say that it's out of this world..
Thanks A lot, me and my bro play together like never but one thing we always do but really never do is play race maps all day!Thanks for this cool map!Definite download!
I tried this track yesterday, and I must say, it has the potential of getting featured. It's simply an awesome racetrack, overall. I love your idea for the transportation to the top, very original. Not much to say anymore. Love the turns. Good job, both of you.
Heres the video from my sponsers HaloEvolution! YouTube - Amazing Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack - "Cape Canaveral" Thanks Bg Roiit and iTz Flair
If you guys would like to add the video in the post or anything, feel free, but I hope you two liked it, sorry about like the 6 day delay lol (blame it on Newcomb! )
This is an amazing map, srsly, you have to teach me how to make sexy tracks . I'll download it and show friends DD.
Thanks. It's really tough to teach people how to forge. SLiK and I have been forging since Halo 3 came out. The only advice I can really give you is experiment with interlocking different objects. Check out other designs that people have created. Pick them apart and try to learn from them. I am a decent interlocker, but SLiK is better than me. I need to take a few pointers on his two marker technique. I have seen him do it but I would need to practice it. As far as design goes, that is up to you. Some of the best maps on this site started with a design that was well executed and worked well in the context of what the author had in mind.