Maximum Security

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ShortKidPena, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Maximum Security
    Creator-ShortkidPena. Co-Creator-Edak123
    Download Map Download Gametype
    Maximum Security is a Cops and Robbers map on Sandbox. Many of you are familiar with the game, Cops and Robbers. Basically the goal of the game is to escape the prison and hide from the cop/cops(right now the gametype is set to one cop, but for bigger groups you may want to change it to two). There is some honor rules involved in cops and robbers that are very important. While being the cop, you are immune to any attacks the robbers can throw at you. Although the cop is invulnerable to the robbers, the robbers can be sneaky and try to assassinate the cop to get extra points along with the honorary tea-bag. That is the ultimate goal of the robbers, but most of the time you are just trying to escape the prison. The cop is allowed to do whatever he wants with the robbers, but he can't just be a douche and shoot them for no reason (HONOR RULES). The cop is however allowed to shoot the robbers if they are either- not listening, trying to escape, or escaped. In this game it is NECESSARY TO HAVE A MIC! The game won't make sense without it.

    -No shooting the robbers w/out reason
    -Don't be gay

    -Basically just listen to the cop and he shouldn't shoot you

    Map Overview

    Robbers start in the Jail cells on the bottom floor in the main part of the building. The outdoor area is just an area for whatever use you make it. Also, there is a toilet down the hall on the bottom floor, should you need to go. If you go up the ramp to the second level of the building you will find the Cafeteria and the shower. There are four lunch tables and benches. If you go up the ramp once more, you will find the stage/stripper pole to have shows and entertainment(Prisoners get to have fun too right?). There is also a secret in this room for you to find a way to reach. Right outside the front, there is an area that is under construction that has other opportunities of escaping. If you manage to make your way outside the prison, you can grab the warthog right outside the front next to the construction area. Along with the prison there has to be a town too. The town is comprised of four buildings, one of which you can go inside of. One building has a gauss warthog and one has a mongoose.

    Jail cells

    Toilet at the end of the jail cell hall

    Courtyard and ramp to second floor

    Second floor cafeteria and shower

    Third floor stage/stripper pole


    Construction zone

    Back side and view of town

    Overview 1

    Overview 2​
    #1 ShortKidPena, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Clean forging and nice use of scaffolding for jail bars. Original. You should cover up the scaffolding in the fourth pic though.
  3. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    looks good. very clean forging. one question though what is the robbers gravity cause they could just grenade jump out right from the beggining. and they could also go into those y-intersections and get stuck. i suggest blocking those so you cant go in them unless there there fro a purpose.
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Okay, I just gotta ask...

    Why did you put the shower in the cafeteria?
    "Yummm... I think I'm gonna get me a mouthful of some of that ****."

    And why is there a stripper pole in a prison?

    Forging looks good and all. Probably one of the better forged prisons, but I can't stand the game type.

    Remind me to never visit you in prison.
  5. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    first, this has been done before. you should really be more creative next time.

    second, why is there a town next to a jail?

    third, the scaffolding are the ground of the cafeteria.
  6. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    First, just because it's been done before doesn't mean he shouldn't do it. He made a great Map with excellent forging.

    Second, mostly just for aesthetics I believe. Look at it this way, if he didn't have the "town" next to the jail, this map would look very bland and blank.

    I have nothing for third. o-o

    Excellent map with amazing forging like I said earlier, I don't understand why there is a stripper pole in Jail, but otherwise I really like the map and will give it a download.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You think all prisons are on secluded islands like Alcatraz or something? Joliet State Prison, the prison used in the first season of Prison Break, is actually in the heart of downtown Joliet... so having a town next to prison isn't a far-fetched thing. I believe that his intention was to give you a place to hide if you break out.
  8. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    To answer the question of the stripper pole it just was a joke and it's just something new. I just tried to bring some new things to the whole cops and robbers game. It just brings more fun in and more ideas and things to do.

    To answer the question of the town next to the jail is that it would be empty without it and it just has more options for the escapees to hide.

    To answer the question of the y-intersections and grenade jumping, there are no grenades and the y-intersections are there so that the robbers have more places to hide, and i was running out of peices and i thought it looked good. I would have put a peice on top, but i hit the OLN and i have like 3$ left.

    No, the scaffolding is not the ground of the cafeteria IDIOT! Just look at the pictures. I also know that this has been done before, and i just tried to make it aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.

    I don't really have a reason for the shower in the cafeteria, but i just couldn't find another place for it.

    I hope that i have answered all of your questions

    I don't think that i mentioned that there is a secret exit that is only escapable using the grav-lift.
    #8 ShortKidPena, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  9. vector1395

    vector1395 Ancient
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    Looks like a great remake of the one on Foundry. Actually, looks like its has better aesthetics than the original one. Nice job.
  10. TheReaper9456

    TheReaper9456 Ancient
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    Beautiful forging...and i agree it is much better than that other guy's cops and robbers map...btw...why is there a stripper pole in the prison? LOL
  11. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Amazing Map GoodJob Its a really nicely forged Prison i rate this 5/5 u did amazing with the interlocking im going to download this and see how its plays but otherwise this map is really good
  12. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    hey man dont take any of what shroomz says too hard. hes a douche and goes around on EVERYONES map just to lay **** on people even on some amazing maps.

    anyways i had to get that out, ive been looking at maps for weeks and now ive decided to actually say something about him and to finally comment someones map (look at my posts if you dont beleive me)

    ANYWAYS. i really think you did a great job with this cops and robbers map. i like your new ideas for it (the town outside it was an awesome idea).

    Shroomz is retarded, i think every jail should have a stripper pole haha. thatd make for some funny **** during the game.

    grats on a good map man

    oh and heres Shroomz's posts. notice how all of them are rediculous and how they are ALL negative
    #12 FryTheSly, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    How is my post negative?
    I asked why the shower was in the cafeteria and why there's a stripper pole in a prison. Those are two things I'd hope that I'd never see... ever. I complimented him on his forging and said this was one of the better prisons I've seen. I even went as far as defending him about the town... and you think that's negative?

    What type of person are you? The little girl that needs to be told you're pretty or the type of man that takes the criticism and goes back and proves them wrong? My guess is... the little girl. Suck it up and be a man for christ's sake.

    Here's a negative comment for you. Take your head out of your ass and think before you post because while most of my posts are negative... that's what you call criticism. I don't kiss ass. No map is perfect. I have a higher standard than you. If I can forge it, I'm not that impressed. If I think you could have done more, I'll tell you. I speak my mind and hope that people aren't little girls and are actually men that try to prove me wrong.
  14. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    haha thats cool, trying to make yourself all tough on forgehub. hahah i totally envy you man, calling someone a little girl. grats man you might just be forgehubs biggest ***
    most of the **** you post tho is hardly critisizm, its just **** that people could care less about and that you dont have to say.
    and if your refering to me on "kissing ass" to peoples maps i dont, simply i actually PLAY the map then i say the truth, some maps are amazing some arent.
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    This coming from the guy that called me a douche and retarded out of nowhere... guess we're both a couple of fags then, ***.

    You're telling me that what I post is hardly criticism? WTF is this?
    Great input. Such a brainstorm thinking that up. This will really help him out. I'm sure that a town was really a new idea. I think you just put that in there to make it look like a review. This is pretty much spam, so stop trolling. Move along... you're losing.
  16. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Lol, that's about the 12th gametype that was created on my birthday. No maps though.

    Anyways, onto the map. Love the interlocks, looks fun as hell. Way more than most Foundry ones (especially the ones that my friends make). Seems good for gameplay, especially for a break of matchmaking ( I've been playing for the past... week I think.) There's not much to say about this map, except for the great 101 and Gameplay.

    Gameplay- 9.7/10
    Interlocking- 10/10
    Cleanliness- 9/10
    Originality- 4/10 (jail cells I've seen before, Cops n' robbers is kinda old concept)
    Overall- 9.5/10
  17. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    yeah got a problem with that? thats what i thought
  18. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Ok please cant we all just get along?

    If you want to fight and ***** please take it somewhere else. This is all a big misunderstanding. Shroomz original comment didn't offend me one bit, I thought it was kinda funny. Then, someone else had to "defend" me by calling him a ***. It wasn't offending me. (ill PM you if i would like for you to defend me in any way)

    Overall-this is just a big misunderstanding.
  19. fireskull

    fireskull Ancient
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    This is much better than so many ones I've seen lately. I absolutely hate cops and robbers with a passion....but you have my download :)
  20. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    The outside looks great, but the jail bars and cafeteria could be a lot better. And that's the shantiest town I've ever seen...

    *Removed for verbally assaulting another member*
    #20 Matt666, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2009

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