Verruct Preview

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    ive been looking on forge hub for awhile now and ive seen about 100 Nacht der untoten maps (i even made one), a couple Shi no numa maps (i made one) but in all my time waiting i have never seen a verruct map. now i really didnt want to be the first to make this, or make it at all. But since no one else is, ive decided to finish my set of **** Zombie Maps. Except this time i have someone to help me with this huge task. ANYEHILATER. Hes a great forger who knos the accuracy of the map more than me. Now we just started last night and so far we are really booking it. and it looks nice. The only problem i can think of running into is the object limit. now we are using the OLN map but still we are going to be close. Im guessing if we keep at this rate you will see the first verruct on forgehub in less than a week. now i know you say thats fast. but im a perfectionist and ill make sure that the map is not sloppy at all. you can check my other Zombie maps in my sig if you dont believe me. So the waiting is over. someone is finally making a verruct map.
    Update- Today we worked on the map for about 4 to 5 hours and got alot acomplished. and a we recieved a new helper. OFFsetGAMER94x. He is a very good forger who has helped quite abit. At the moment we have the bottom floor done and we have 2 rooms left in the top floor. once we get those done we will use the remaning money for Asthetics. We origionaly thought we were going to run into the object limit but we have about 50 object to place and about 53 items left to use. so it might be a problem but we might be lucky. so far its looking very nice and is extremely accurate compared to the real map. the acutual map should be done by the end of the weekend and the finished map with spawns and guns by about wednesday.
    Update2: we are almost done with the map. but we ran into the problem we were trying to avoid. we ran out of money. and we are about to hit the object limit. so heres what we decided were going to do. were going to finish the map. just the map. no guns no spawns no anything just the map. than we are going to put it onto forge hub and you can edit it to fit your needs. you can delete stuff you dont think is neccesary so you can get the spawns and guns in. sorry. its the stupid money and OL problem.

    The only thing im going to tell you is that the windows are going to be made out of flipped wall halfs du to the object limit and that the only closed door that there is is the door that separates the two. which will open by destroying one grav lift to make another.

    So i hope your all looking forward to what it looks like. cause i am and i get to see it why its getting built.

    Heres the layout of the map
    First floor

    Second Floor
    #1 cowboypickle23, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    You can't post previews or unfinished maps in any map forum (Although the layout plan is good, hope it comes out like that, but you might hit OLN). I suggest moving this to the forge discussion, or a mod can.
    #2 PRS, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  3. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    oh my bad i didnt know how do i fix it?
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    No, wait until a moderator sees this he'll probably move it to the forge discussion forum for you. Probably just an accident on your part, no worries.
    #4 PRS, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  5. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    My bad People i didnt know.
  6. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    I like the Idea, But are you going to put the elctric fences in the game? I have an idea of how to do it, But it would require either Fusion coils, or Teleporters. And would be complicated. I could do maybe one or two tele switches, Then the rest would have to use F-bombs (that's What I call fusion coils).

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