Video games for some people = stress reliever for some people its just to mess around on. then theres those already unstable kids that freak out after violence. lol
i think that it might be a factor that can throw kids over the edge, but that is only if the kid is already violent as it is. im not about to shoot anyone and expect them to respawn, and before i played halo i wasnt going to shoot someone either.
I think that kids who get waaay to involved in videogames may get violent or have thoughts of violence. but for cool kids who just want to have fun, well i dont see a problem at all.
If a video game makes a kid violent the kid obviously has some psychological problem. Its like saying rated R movies are making serial killers who they are.
Here are some facts: -The rate of juvenile violent crime is at a 30-year low. I would expect to see otherwise if games were causing violence. -People in jail for violent crimes typically consumed less media than the average person, not more. -Any studies that have claimed that video games do cause violence have only found a correlation. This could simply mean that aggressive people enjoy aggressive video games, not that the video games make them aggressive. All taken from this essay.
If someone is about to shoot someone purely due to a videogame then it cannot be blamed on the game. Just as it is not the gun pulling its own trigger the game is not being violent. If they had even a shred of evidence that violent exposure creates violence in minors they would not have violence in media, period. If they could prove that Halo had directly impacted a juvenile murderer then they wouldn't allow it. Therefore violent games don't make violent kids.
This thread is a pool of agreements tossed back and forth. There is no opposing person to debate. This is a discussion within reins, and this thread is going nowhere. However, to continue it.. @ OP: No. Remember that kid who killed his dad because he took Halo? Yeah, well it wasn't Halo, it was the fact that the kid was so close to Halo, being ripped from anything close to you brings emotional dread. Compare it to losing a loved one.
[FONT="]"No. It’s on the face of being kind of preposterous, and you know what? It’s actually really disturbing, intellectually dishonest, and somewhat pernicious to say that it must be a video game. I believe there are greater reasons for the social ills and violence among adolescents than video games. I believe that violence was existent prior to the release of even Pong." -said by Adam Sessler after he was asked if video games caused violence. I think that states most of our positions rather clearly. [/FONT]
Nooooo, Call of Duty does not promote new weapons and how to get them. I could learn seven different ways to get an M16 just by Goggling it, but nowhere does it say where to buy an M16 in CoD4. If I play Call of Duty 4: I find that I need to buy my blackmarket weapons from Imran Zakiev, a made up character in a videogame. Have you ever played any Call of Duty game? Airsoft has a higher chance of killing someone than video games, even with GTA4, the only mildly good game for this thread. There is a greater chance of hitting someone in the temple with a 500FPS rifle and killing them, than playing a game and killing someone. I agree that this is not the best forum to debate on, as all of us here play video games.
And also, when the quoted person above said CoD teaches violence, it does not in a practical way. While it may teach you to fire a weapon, it does not teach you very accurately. The bullet speed is very unrealistic as anyone who has seen real snipers and compared that to the snipers in CoD would know. The game doesn't even teach you how to reload a gun, all you have to do is press X or some other button and it is animated.
I've been playing video games all my life. The worst thing I've ever done had to be...punching my next door neighbor (also my friend) in the face, but I REALLY did have some uncontrollable rage. Ever since then I've been a pacifist because I'm afraid that it's going to happen again. I've played video games from, Pacman to as worst as GTA3, GTA : Vice City, GTA4, and GoW (1 and 2). I think that the only real influence of killing "because of Video Games" is because they're just bullied, have sucky parents who abuse and somehow find the money to get a gun or something like that or even to steal a knife from home. I think that the only way a child is to get violent is because it needs GOOD attention and/or better role models.
I believe yes. But wait, there's more to that argument. Yes... if the kids have some sort of problem already. Some kids drowned the other year swimming in the Atlantic, looking for Bikini Bottom. If some kids will believe that, there are kids that believe that you get a medal that says killing spree if you kill five people in you're lifetime. On the other hand, I am fully supportive in belief that to the majority, videogames don't make kids violent. They are merely a form of entertainment, and any child too stupid or young to understand it isn't real shouldn't play videogames.
no i think your thinking of violent kids that play violent games that kill people or just insane people
Im voilent sometimes but it takes a very stressed out person to be set off by video games. I use my games as a stress reliever and to just pass time but I don't see me going out and being violent just because of the games I play. It might give me ideas of what I might want to do if I was to go off and It might de-sensitize me to seeing blood but it doesn't make me a killer or openly violent.
No, I don't believe in this because it's the way the kids are raised, look up the history of any terrorist or murderer and they have been bound to have been beaten or treated badly.
Violence has been around since the dawn of man, waaay before videogames. question: why would anyone start a debate about this on a website for halo 3, which is rated M for Mature?