Is it wrong to be addicted to these forums? I haven't been able to sleep, there is so much to research, i have just been trying to get too much info for my maps...and I am already a natural insomniac, what do i do!!!!??? btw, i love you all and all your maps, they have brought me much delight. Basically, THANK YOU FORGEHUB!!!
Most assuredly not. It's a great (and active) place to hang out and find content. I hope you continue to enjoy your stay. Just try to get some sleep sometime.
haha, indeed, i have been up for the 2nd day now, i can go 3 without going too nuts, then at about 5 i start seeing things, i think im going to sleep tonight tho, lolz, no need to trip out aww im sorry you feel that way titmar, if it sucks now, then man i missed out, because its not crap if you ask me...
i have added a poll, to make it ezier to show your opinion, though, if you feel that you have more to get off your chest, be my guest and post
Well its not wrong to be addicted although its not very healthy oh and please don't advertise your map the mods wont like that.
ive removed it, but damnit, i swear ive seen lots of senior members with their maps being shown...multiple maps at that... ermm.. i went on a search, and i found one on this very page -_- This is Cosmic Rick's signature........i hope im not breaking any rules with this...but ya...can i or can i not have my map posted in my signature (mod please answer this one) also, i am not trying to get you in trouble rick, and if i do, sorry _________________ I'll always be applying for Guilder. Check out my Forge Gallery.
ive deffinatly been addicted to forgehub, it was like my new myspace....but not so much anymore :[ im still upset about the whole new forgehub thing...
YOU JUST MADE ME SO CONFUSED!!! :...( roche, i just had this clarified, by 2 loyals, and researched myself while discussing this with them, I WAS FINE!!!, you made me delete it for nothing i wanna cryyyy!!! ANYWAYS!!! Im still relatively new to fh, and i feel that the new one kicks major butt, and i just cant imagine what was so awesome to make people think it sucks now...anyone?
I think it was just a change when most thought a change wasn't needed. A lot of members that come here regularly became really attached and didn't want anyone to mess with what they came to enjoy, even the site's administration. I think the tentativeness will wear off soon and everything will be back to what everyone loved and more.
Soy adicto también. Tal vez su malo, Yo no sé bien. = I am also addicted. Maybe his bad, I do not know either. ohhhh i was so confused i went to google :-X
I still don't understand why people were, and still are, so upset. We're trying to help you, if you'll only let us.