the map looks really good i will dl 5/5. Everything is where it should be and it is a really solid remake. One suggestion for more items delete the radio antennas for palm trees and replace them with columns that way you dont need weapons holders and you get 4 more items. anyway great remake i hope to see you remake some more campaign levels (possibly remake the first halo 2 mission) idk
i was actually thinking about deleting the palm trees and making them stone columns. and the first campaign mission is already made. Orbital. Im thinking about making the fort on metropolis. or the beginning part of Quarantine Zone. Or the Very last part of high Charity. Both would be sweet ass remakes and thanks for the comment
I think you should try and use a teleporter and make the bit after on the ground level, that would be awesome. Ill definetly DL this once i get Mythic and Legendary to work.
i reached the object limit so i cant. and if i would do it. i would make it on a completely different map. ill try to make the hotel zanzibar part. itll be a challenge but i can do it
I like the idea of you made the the hornet explode at the begining. Its a good remake. You should try to use something as the skull on that map.
Love the remake. But changes could be made. Like people can nade bounce on top of the map. You should use stone columns instead of radio towers. That saves 4 items. But otherwise a very accurate remake. Nice job.
This is possibly the best level of campaign because Its so easy to get on top of the buildings. All you need is a partener. And I agree with a lot of things people have said bcus ppl think good.
Wow... this is crazy. I mean, better competitive maps have been made but... to have a remake of a campaign level and forge it exactly like it was and on top of that make it playable for slayer... that's just beyond words. Something I think could add a comical twist is make the map playable for all gametypes, so then the people playing it would imagine all sorts of aliens and beasts all fighting for the Hill.. But besides that you deserve not a cookie, BUT AN OREO ICE-CREAM CAKE.
holy crap. thanks guys. I want bungie to actually take a look at this map. i love playing on it. I was actually thinking of putting hills in here because i thought it would be fun. I also need to update a couple of things too. Well thanks for the reviews! EDIT: Benzu13 want to buy me an Oreo ice-cream cake? lawl
no not really. im updating the map today. v3 is gunna be made so its impossible to get outside of the map. so itll be perfect to play on. So im pretty sure your friends are either retarded or they just dont know how to have fun.
and the name "buggers" actually come from the book Ender's Game and is just slang. Not like it even matterzzz.
Hey i loved playing on v3 today lol. the new updates make the map alot better. thanks for the touchups on the map. Edit: Im not going to lie but i think this map deserves Bungie Favorites
Sorry for the long wait and reply but v3.1 is finally done. I havent had enough time to get too it so sorry for all you people that "wanted" to play it. Ill put it up on my fileshare when i get home. Thanks for the patience guys