Pre-DLC Epitaphy :3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Julenissen666, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    Hello! its been a while since i was on forgehub, but now im back with a new map ^^ like my last map (Slayers Nest TS) i didnt do much forging, but focused more on weapons and balance. The map is made for the gametype below (Team DeathMatch) and plays more like unreal tournament. It goes fast around the corners and its the player who decides who live or die!

    2 - 8 players (it might be a bit overwhelming with 8 players, but thats half the of the fun :p

    Link to Epitaphy: : Halo 3 File Details

    Link to team DeathMatch: : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype: Team DeathMatch

    Score settings:
    score to win: 75
    kill points: 3
    assist points: 1
    suicide points: -1
    headshot bonus: 1
    assassination bonus: 1
    splatter bonus: 5 (if you get a splatter kill, you will be rewarded)
    sticky bonus: 1
    spree bonus: 2
    time limit: 10 minutes
    Player settings:
    starting weapon: SMG
    starting grenades: 2 Frags
    shield: Normal
    shield recharge rate: 110 %
    damage modifier: 110 %
    player speed: 150 %
    player gravity: 150 %

    Map: Epitaphy
    Weapons on map:
    Spiker: x8 respawn rate: 20 spare clips: 2
    PlasmaPistol: x2 respawn rate: 30
    PlasmaRifle: x4 respawn rate: 20
    Needler: x2 respawn rate: 30 spare clips: 2
    BruteShot: x2 respawn rate: 45 spare clips: 2
    Mauler: x2 respawn rate: 30 spare clips: 1
    FuelRodGun: x1 respawn rate: 120 spare clips: 2
    BeamRifle: x1 respawn rate: 60
    SentinelBeam: x1 respawn rate: 60

    FragGrenades: x8 respawn rate: 10
    PlasmaGrenades: x4 respawn rate: 10
    SpikeGrenades: x6 respawn rate: 10
    FireBombGrenades: x4 respawn rate: 10

    Bubbleshield: x2 respawn rate: 60
    PowerDrain: x1 respawn rate: 60
    Regenerator: x1 respawn rate: 60
    TripMine: x2 respawn rate: 60
    Gravlift: x2 respawn rate: 60
    RadarJammer: x1 respawn rate: 60
    Flare: x1 respawn rate: 60

    Overshield: x1 respawn rate: 120 placed at start: Yes
    ActiveCamo: x1 respawn rate: 120 placed at start: Yes
    CustomPowerUp: x1 respawn rate: 180 placed at start: No
    (the custom powerup makes you invincible for 15 sec, and you become purple)

    [ ] is the red teams base
    [ ] is the blue teams base
    * (a red dot) is the beam rifle
    * (a blue dot) is the sentinel beam
    * (a green dot) is the fuel rod gun and custom powerup
    * ( purple dot) is the active camo and a trip mine
    * (a yellow dot) is the overshield and a trip mine
    / (a red slash) is x2 fire bomb grenades.
    / (a blue slash) is a brute shot and x2 plasma rifles

    Red Base
    Blue Base
    Sentinel beam behind the holographic statue thingey
    fuelrod gun on rocketplace (custom powerup below) and sniper at the big yellow lift
    Active camo behind the pillar and trip mine behind the pillar at the second floor
    Overshield behind the pillar
    and trip mine behind the pillar at the second floor

    Action Pictures:

    needler in action
    (it takes true skill to get a kill with the needler when you use the gametype Team DeathMatch)
    player with custom powerup gets one easy kill
    the donkey is eating the poor red guy :D (the red guy is my oponent)

    fuel rod gun in action. the fuel rod gun can be your friend, but it can get you killed if youre to close to your target.
    trip mine is great for this map. the burning player walked right on it :D

    thanks for looking at my post. download the map and i hope you enjoy :3
    #1 Julenissen666, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why are there so many power weapons? There isn't even an AR or BR!
  3. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats the point, im sick of the AR and BR. so i made this map :D its easy to die even if you have a powerweapon and are facing one oponent with an SMG ;D you should try it, its not about the powerweapons, its all about how good the player is :p
    #3 Julenissen666, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not that great for a joke post. And no Im not :D this is ridiculous and you know it. How sad that you thought it would be funny. I read through most of the post not thinking you were funny for a second. Four firebomb grenades, not to mention a trip mine and a flare, are unoriginal. I refuse to rate or download but I rest my case.

    Edit: COMPETITIVE?!?!?!?!?!?!
    #4 Gollygeeanelite, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  5. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    don't take it personally dude some people on forge hub are very angry people, they just don't understand that to be able to properly criticise a map you have to have played it and these people obviously didn't play it. I'm not going to DL because I am at the map limit but I think it would be interesting to see how it plays out.

    EDIT: I have to agree that it shouldn't be in competitive if it has so many power weapons.
  6. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this plays nothing like halo, and its kinda fun with all the powerups and cool weapons. you dont need to have a powerweapon to win i fight on this maps/gametype because you move pretty fast.

    you should try it before hating it. its not a joke, its very fun map and gametype if you just give it a try!
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I can't anyways I don't have live where Im at. Sorry for considering this as a joke post but you had me going with the weapons list and the word "competitive". That clicked into my brain and there was no going back.

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