Hello, Mr. Viewer. This is my first attempt at a competitive map and I hope you enjoy. This map is mainly for 2-6 players for many gametypes like slayer, team slayer, CTF(any), Assault(any), territories... well basically everything except VIP and juggernaut. I have tested this map before and with about a week's time of tweeking I made this map. Weapons: 6x BR's 2x plasma pistols 2x needlers 2x sniper rifles (no extra clips, 150 respawn) 6x frags 2x plasmas Equipment: 1x overshield (180 spawn) 2x bubble shied (60 spawn) And now for the pictures: Overview [/URL] red base [/URL] blue base [/URL] overshield spawn/ middle [/URL] 1st sniper spawn [/URL] 2nd sniper spawn [/URL] And now for a very bright action shot [/URL] KIck back, relax, and enjoy the map [/URL] Heres the DL link:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Umm... why'd you show the sniper twice? Two different snipers, I know. But why both? You should show more of the map (even if there's not much) with some precious pictures worth a thousand words. Nice grass, but I've seen it and it's funny. Because it jiggles (sorta). Anyway it's decent. Not bad for your first competitive map. NOT BAD.
looks good, a little choppy in some places with the forging, butlooks great. almost like an MLG map except for the fact that the center view is probably too obscurred. looks good, 4/5
Nice map- the only thing is that you should make the 2 sniper spawns look the same because the map is symmetrical. One has colors and one is stone. I would also interlock the weapon holders into the wall so that the sniper comes out of the wall. Does the map really need 2 snipers? Or 6 BRs? Most people say this but a map of this size does not need that many BRs because most people would spawn with them and even if they didnt, in a reg. TS game 3/4 players on each team would have one on a very small map. Also I dont think that people need long range weapons to go around no-scoping people...
Very well forged, you obviously have some skills. My only complaint would be that it is a bit cramped, but that's probably just because I'm a BTB fanatic. Great work for a first map though and I hope to see more from you.
I do agree. Perhaps those snipers should be replaced with something a little more close quarters like a brute shot, or even a shotgun. As far as 6 BRs, I think this is a little biased against carbine fans. The amount of carbines should be even.
Wow this map iss unique and original. I really like the structures and it great! I'm going to download ... No actually this is what you would write Aceface. I would rather write that the colored columns could use appropriate interlocking. I would also like to mention that the weapon holder holding the snipers could be interlocked. I don't see why you don't wish to do this, it does improve the aesthetics a bit. Can't play on the map, but I wanted to make a point. So we will meet again I suspect....