Sandbox Ragnorak

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ac3Snip3r, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Hello, Mr. Viewer. This is my first attempt at a competitive map and I hope you enjoy. This map is mainly for 2-6 players for many gametypes like slayer, team slayer, CTF(any), Assault(any), territories... well basically everything except VIP and juggernaut. I have tested this map before and with about a week's time of tweeking I made this map.
    6x BR's
    2x plasma pistols
    2x needlers
    2x sniper rifles (no extra clips, 150 respawn)
    6x frags
    2x plasmas
    1x overshield (180 spawn)
    2x bubble shied (60 spawn)

    And now for the pictures:
    red base
    blue base
    overshield spawn/ middle
    1st sniper spawn
    2nd sniper spawn
    And now for a very bright action shot
    KIck back, relax, and enjoy the map
    Heres the DL : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Umm... why'd you show the sniper twice? Two different snipers, I know. But why both? You should show more of the map (even if there's not much) with some precious pictures worth a thousand words. Nice grass, but I've seen it and it's funny. Because it jiggles (sorta). Anyway it's decent. Not bad for your first competitive map. NOT BAD.
  3. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    looks good, a little choppy in some places with the forging, butlooks great. almost like an MLG map except for the fact that the center view is probably too obscurred.

    looks good, 4/5
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Nice map- the only thing is that you should make the 2 sniper spawns look the same because the map is symmetrical. One has colors and one is stone. I would also interlock the weapon holders into the wall so that the sniper comes out of the wall.

    Does the map really need 2 snipers? Or 6 BRs? Most people say this but a map of this size does not need that many BRs because most people would spawn with them and even if they didnt, in a reg. TS game 3/4 players on each team would have one on a very small map. Also I dont think that people need long range weapons to go around no-scoping people...
  5. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Very well forged, you obviously have some skills. My only complaint would be that it is a bit cramped, but that's probably just because I'm a BTB fanatic. Great work for a first map though and I hope to see more from you.
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    It's for small teams or small FFA games so it shouldn't get too cramped.
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I do agree. Perhaps those snipers should be replaced with something a little more close quarters like a brute shot, or even a shotgun. As far as 6 BRs, I think this is a little biased against carbine fans. The amount of carbines should be even.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Wow this map iss unique and original. I really like the structures and it great! I'm going to download :D ... No actually this is what you would write Aceface. I would rather write that the colored columns could use appropriate interlocking. I would also like to mention that the weapon holder holding the snipers could be interlocked. I don't see why you don't wish to do this, it does improve the aesthetics a bit. Can't play on the map, but I wanted to make a point. So we will meet again I suspect....

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