Sandbox Sandpitt-Halo3 Horde

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by EliteSlayer, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    As most of us know, ODST is coming out and has one new feature in it, Horde Mode. Only in ODST, its called FireFight. Now I present this map and gametype to bring this feature to you sooner.

    Some changes were made to the map and gametype after this thread was posted.
    1) Two ghosts were added for the covenant
    2) Turret was moved
    3) Trip mine was added for humans
    4) Humans have 40% more damage resistance
    5) Weapons respawns for covenant work better

    Choose your guns, pick your spot, and prepare for the onsluaght as unlimited waves of covenant forces slowly overwhelm you and your friends. At the begining you have exactly 45 seconds to get what you need and get inside a building. Every 5 minutes you survive counts as one round. In the game the survivors will start off with an assualt rifle and a magnum. Weapon pickup is enabled, so you can look around and find the weapon that will help you survive. In the gametype, you will be able to play as and fight off five different kinds of covenant. Grunts, jakals, elites, brutes, and elite honor gaurds. Staying together and helping each other is the key to this game. If you don't, then any one of these five can easily overwhelm you.(For zombies, after you respawn you have 10 seconds to pick up weapons, this is so you can become a jakal, brute, elite and elite honor guard).

    Grunts are the main units in the covenant and the ones
    you'll see the most(all infected start out as grunts). Grunts
    start with a plasma pistol, have very little damage resistance,
    and run slower than anything in the game. They can be identified
    by their green color.

    Jakals are just as strong as grunts but have better weapons.
    Jakals come in two different classes. The first class includes
    a deployable cover(energy sheild) and of course a plasma pistol.
    The second class includes just a carbine. Jakals, like grunts, can
    be identified by their green color.

    Elites are much stronger than grunts and jakals and
    come with better weapons. With correct teamwork, you
    will be able to take them down. Elites also come with two
    different classes. The first class includes two plasma rifles
    and two plasma gernades. The second class includes a
    needler. Elites can be identified by their purple color.

    Thought not as strong as elites, brutes can still prove
    to be tough opponents. With good tatics, these foes
    will be brought down before they can do too much
    damage. As well as everything else, brutes come with
    two classes. The first class includes two spikers and
    two spike gernades. The second class comes with a
    brute shot and a bubble sheild. Brutes can be identified
    by their oversheilds.

    Elite Honor Guards
    Elite honor guards are elites with the deadliest covenant
    weapon in the game. These units are perfect for killing
    anyone in a close area. One slash-one kill. This is the
    rarest of all units and comes every 2 minutes. Unless
    you have a shotgun, RUN AND SHOOT!
    (NOTE: every unit except grunts have two classes
    meaning that there's two different weapon groups for
    that one unit: units are jakals, elites, and brutes)

    Surrounded by sand, the last remains of this great city lay in this pitt. The city was abonded hundreds of years ago for an unkown reason, and now, this is where you come to survive the covenant. Though the remaining buildings are almost completely destroyed and have been ramsacked, some supplies and safe places yet remain. Six buildings still stand and you must choose which one to hold out in. Throughout the map there is a variety of weapons to choose from that may change the difference from your survival and your doom. But, think about what you pick up, the stronger the weapon, the longer the respawn rate. This means that every once in a while you will have to go on an ammo run and then quickly get back to your position. Now here are the pics!


    The werehouse is an unfinished building that was forgotten about
    in the departure. Find out whats inside on your own.

    Once the city was emptied, the minimall was boarded up to keep
    people out(but didn't stop most of them).

    The pharmacy was ramsacked for supplies but you might still find a few useful items.

    The Bridge
    The bridge is the main part of the city which is used to get from
    one half of it to the other. Now slowly over time, it starts to fall apart.

    The Gas Station
    Most of the gas tanks were taken away and the gas station was left to be ruins.

    The House
    Once a big house, now it is completely destroyed. This is the oldest building that is still standing.

    Zombie Spawn
    The zombies spawn here and must wait 45 seconds for the bridge
    to spawn so they can go and attack. Once the tubes open up,
    zombies can jump down them and(depending on which one they
    jumped down) can be either a jakal, elite, brute, or elite honor guard.

    Hope you enjoy the map and gametype!
    Tell me how long you survive(maybe you can beat my record).
    Please comment and tell me what you think of the map and gameplay.

    Download Map:
    Download Gametype:
    Note: The downloades on the gametype are low because the gametype
    was changed twice and started at zero downloades, twice.
    The map was changed once and started at zero downloades.
    #1 EliteSlayer, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it sounds cool, but you need pics, at least one. And duh, a download link if you want people to download it. The class system sounds cool too, but you should explain more how it works
  3. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks really great. I like how some of the buildings look destroyed or borded up it really adds a nice touch to the map.

  4. RedvsBlue

    RedvsBlue Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice i like it it has good open felling.
    maybe a v2 with some turrents on the bridge or in the open.
    well 5/5.
  5. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    Thumbs up, man! Class system looks like it will work well, but maybe you could work out a VIP gametype so that the aliens could have more than two colors? Just saying. Maybe the covie VIP could be a hunter with a fuel rod gun and infinite ammo but no weapon pickup and huge health. You could set up the humans with starting points wherever they are now and respawn points in a pointless but entertaining minigame in the crypt so when they die they can't get back in the game. And put a VIP go-to point that will end the round so when the humans are dead the game can end. Alternatively, put one in every defensible position so the humans have to defend a spot but can pick which one. You could eliminate the normal scoring system altogether (or not, you know, whatever) and just have the covie try to score on the go-tos and the humans try to survive the time limit.
  6. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you guys like the map and gametype.
    If you can or already did play the game, can you tell me if i should change the human settings in the game to make them a little stronger(I'm not sure if it would make it too hard for infected but i find it hard as a survivor). Besides that, if you have any other suggestions then please comment.

    For people who have already downloaded this, if you want the newer version of my horde, download now. For people who haven't downloaded this, changes are explained in the thread.
    #6 EliteSlayer, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    You amaze me. At first looking through the pics I got mixed ideas, It looked like some areas you were a bad forger. But that was for aesthetics! So don't look at a building and say "bad forging", because he intended it that way. It's a city in RUINS. Anyway, the class system looks great, the gameplay looks more run n' gun than defend the castle. I'm surprised you haven't gotten WAY more downloads.
  8. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    The map is forged really well the only suggestion I have is to move the tube corners under the platform so that it is easier to get into and looks better. But you don't have to just an idea now that I look at it you may have to add items in and you may not be able to do that so never mind. This map reminds me of firefight mixed with the city great job I love the bridge.
    #8 Dak393, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  9. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I couldn't make the tube corners lower, because people aren't allowed to access them until a certain point in the game.
  10. dodo1331

    dodo1331 Ancient
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    I played this map with some friends yesterday.. We all LOVED it. Excellent map.

    EDIT: We had to edit the bridge spawn to 10 seconds, but besides that there were no changes required.
    #10 dodo1331, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  11. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You're the only person I've seen do an intricate class system, besides the Pandemic map pack. The gametype is fun, and won't go with any other map. But that's just it, you need to MAKE another map for the gametype. That would be great. But otherwise 5/5 for the sucessful completion of this concept. You need to invite me sometime and gather a big party and play this.
  12. XTangent

    XTangent Ancient
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    @EliteSlayer: One thing we tried was to make the gravity also lowered to 100% as well for the amount of the base respawn traits, for x seconds, so they could get into the tubes much easier. There are some people who just fail at crouch jumping. <_<
  13. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    yeh, i know. I first I had the weapon pickup set to 15 sec. after you respawn. It was fine for all people until my friend just quickly ran through the first middle teleporter(not in the tubes), and ran down to the rocket spawn, and picked up the rocket launcher. Thats why its now set to 10 sec. weapon pickup after you respawn.
    Also grunts jumping that high is just not realistic and from that they can get to places they are not supposed to. Also, if done correctly, they can jump the bridge before ot spawns.

    Edit: I think I have found a way to make it easier to jump in the tubes without any problems in the actual game. I will put a download link for the gametype, today at 10:00 am, if it works.
    #13 EliteSlayer, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's a good thing too. A V2 is necessary from what people have been saying about this map. I hope that I can play it with a big party sometime. Before then, I need to get rid of some unnecessary maps.
  15. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Althought many people aready found out, my idea worked and i have posted my edited gametype for this. My idea worked and now you can get into the tubes without crouch-jumping but will not jump that high in the actual map. :)
  16. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    In my opinion the bridge needs to open in 45 sec. because that is just about enough time to search for weapons and get in a good building. By the way, everyone who downloades, you may want to remove the ghosts because it makes it too hard for humans.
  17. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I played with you, the gameplay turned out very nice. The only bad thing that I noticed with this map was that nearly every building was campable. That's not good. Every building should be semi-campable. Like the Warehouse, that is in my opinion the most balanced building. The bottom has an entrance, and the top has at least one. (There was a third, but I forgot if it was in the bottom or the top) But for example the Pharmacy in screenshot 9 was definately one of the most campable buildings, if not the most. Make a v2 with the same spawning system and same buildings, but some of them you need to give a makeover because it's a little annoying for the covenant to kill a squad of humans in a narrow one-way hallway where every human is well armed.

    Besides that I must tell you that the humans are way harder to kill than I expected. You should have their damage resistance reduced to 50% or at least 75% of what it is currently. I played as a human and the only thing that ever killed me was assassinations. Fix that too.
  18. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Thats not true, while every building is campable (because thats how it was intended), all the buildings have more than one way in or broken walls and cracks where covenant can shoot and throw gernades through (making a distraction or killing). Every building gives u a challenge to watch certain spots in case of enemies. And if it ever gets too hard for the covenant they can always throw gernades or get the sword. And if humans survive too long, they will have to make ammo runs and then come back, giving u a chance to attack. But, that never happened, because everyone only survived about 1-2 rounds before they all died. The longest i ever survived was 3 rounds so humans are certainly not too strong. If they were surviving for about 6-9 rounds and covenant still had no hope of killing them, that would mean that they are too strong. By the way, i never get killed by assassinations (barely any people do) so that is ur own fault and u cant fix that. I and other people always get killed by getting overrun and not having enough people to hold.
    #18 EliteSlayer, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  19. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    Great forgeing but you basicly said you didnt test it because all the pics had two people which means you and another controller you signed in just posed for the pictures so you have to prove that its playable before i have a full opinion

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