Motel Infect

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Crazyjester, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    Map was created By: Crazyjester5

    Photo help from: Kalaban 4
    Map idea help from: fr0z3nsun


    When creating this map i just wanted to create a tower but it turned in to much more. This map is good for all game types of infection but i am going to put down two game types i recommend for it even though you my not like them. Feel free to create or use your own game types if you please.


    The Humans spawn right at the doors of the Motel, but they have to get inside quick before the zombies make it to them.

    Zombies spawn just outside of map and they have many blocks and random object littering the ground for cover as they run over the dunes.


    At the right and back side of the tower there is scaffolding so the zombies can get access to the 3rd level of the building with out the humans camping the main entrance. 2 min in to the game a man cannon as shown in the picture will spawn giving the zombies easy access to the roof and the humans will find themselves with infected raining down on them.
    Though the game will become harder for those on the roof some power weapons are up there to aid you in defense.


    Zombies that are attacking i warn you not to jump up on top of the blocks because the windows of the 2nd level of the tower hold turrets that will blow away your small shield. Also the windows on the 3rd level humans can perch with Br's and Assault Rifles and kill any incoming incursions.



    DOWNLOAD MAP: : Halo 3 File Details

    Game type for map: : Halo 3 File Details
    Black Stone game type: : Halo 3 File Details

  2. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Why is that thing at the entrance facing up? Wouldn't it look better facing down?

    Is there really that much junk in front of what seems to be a perfect-condition motel which is actual a hotel: A motel is a hotel providing travelers with lodging and free parking facilities, typically a roadside hotel having rooms adjacent to an outside parking area or an urban hotel offering parking within the building. A hotel, though, is a commercial establishment offering lodging to travelers and sometimes to permanent residents, and often having restaurants, meeting rooms, stores, etc., that are available to the general public.

    Even though it is incredibly unrealistic that there is tons of junk, it does not help that the junk looks like it is in a single-file line up to the hotel. Weird, right?

    What is that man cannon for? I mean, if it is supposed to be a secret entrance then shouldn't it be a little more...well...secretive? Not just a perfect stairway leading up to a window?

    A turret?! Someone is probably just going to hog that for the whole game, seeing as how it is at the front. Maybe face it off to the side instead?
  3. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    really? you are going to spend time poking at my map? i made it so people can have fun, if you really don't like it then edit it and send me your result. Oh, and by the way the vision of the person in the turret is limited because of the window. play the map before you discredit it.

    cut me slack this is my first map i have posted
  4. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Poking at your map? This is what is called constructive criticism. Please look it up. And no, I will not edit it because that is your job, do not be lazy. Oh, and by the way the vision of the person in the turret is not limited because of the fact that the infected can jump super high and the turret just happens to be on the second floor, giving the user a perfect view of anyone jumping above 5 feet.
  5. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    I gave a warning in the post about jumping....and if you played the game you would see that it is easy to get around the turrets.
  6. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    yah but you didnt have to copy several picures from the post and take up that much space for 7 sentances.


    i think it looks good, the overall map looks well thought out. atleast you put cover, alot of people dont. and the turret is fine, also the door looks fine. looks a little tough for the zombies though. ill have to say 3.5/5 until i get a play. ill post later.

    im only replying to kry because your kinda overdoing your post. if you dont care then just leave it.
    #6 Obibital, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  7. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Dear Kryticate. You sir, fail. All you did was try look at the pictures of his map and criticize every little thing you could. I very highly doubt that you even played this. You didn't even give him anything constructive. All I saw in your post was COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN.

    Anyway, about the map. First off, the aesthetics here are exceptional. It does look like a motel. Maybe add some pictures of the inside though. The outside of the place is so-so. You provided them nice cover, but it isn't very....interesting. I like what you did with the scaffolding. It looks like something a painter would use. You should add that into the description of that picture. Your post is nice too, although it could use background story. I will definitely download.
  8. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    I like to clarify myself by showing pictures. I do not remember there being a limit to how big your post can be, am I correct?

    Nope, I gave him advice for what to do with his map by pointing out the flaws (exactly what you just did). Again, constructive criticism. Next complaint about my perfectly legit post please, this one fails too much.

    Really now? Someone would use a man cannon to make a stairway? I just like realism in maps, if you do not like my constructive criticism then don't follow it. Wait, it's not your map! Whoops my bad, hate it when people do not mind their own business like 5 year olds.
    #8 Kryticate, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  9. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    thanks for the criticism though it is appreciated.
  10. MBiggs92

    MBiggs92 Ancient
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    Kryticate: For the record, those 'stairs' leading up to the man cannon are meant to look like somebody made the stairway themselves. Hense it's made out of planks of wood. Even I could tell that. You're just trying to make the creator feel bad.

    Crazyjester: It's a good idea for a map and it does look fun to play, I think you should put more wreckage all around the Motel, just incase the zombies ventur behind it and it'll look better. Also I think you should make the Motel look a little damaged like board up a couple of windows or something. I like the map and I'll give it a.. 4/5
    #10 MBiggs92, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  11. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    I was going to do that but i used up all the money and i had to make due with what i had. thanks for the input though.

    I guess you are right i should have thrown some inside pics in....on future maps i will do that. you can download it to see the inside though.


    I understand that this is not a very good pic but it is all i have at the time.
    it is the a hall way on the 4th floor
    #11 Crazyjester, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2009
  12. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Does not look anything like that from the outside. Probably because it is a blocked off hallway that is impossible to see from the outside, anyway. Add that onto the thread, it will give people a better understanding of the map. You could have just edited your other post you know, right?
    #12 Kryticate, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  13. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    um not realy

    that hall way is actually right in front part of the building and there is another one right above it on the fifth floor of the building.
  14. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    I must admit that hallway looks just a bit plain. I don't have Xbox live, so I am not familiar with Sandbox's object palette, but is there anything small enough to put in the hallway to make it less plain? Or maybe you could interlock something into the wall? If you have the budget, that is.
  15. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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    trust me there is so much more i would have liked to add to this map but i ran out of money i used everything but like 2 points
  16. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Why not delete stuff so the building looks worn down? That is what it should look like, right?
  17. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Yeas, because the first thing I say when I see a perfectly cut 10ftx10ft square missing from a building is, "Oh, it's just worn down."

    Also, you can't just add your own stupid tags to anyone's post such as, "Kryticate was here". They have to be tags about the map or the post for the map.
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Stop arguing and play the game! Yes, zombies could have more creative cover. Yes, maybe there are faults you can GUESS based on the pictures. But it comes down to gameplay. To the OP, I hope you tested this a lot. That way, you can give effective arguments. Sorry that I can't download and play. I am personally making a SIMILAR map, cept it's in the skybubble and the zombies and humans don't leave the building...
  19. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Wow i love it when three or four people start arguing on a map its just wonderful... Anyways on to something that Actually matters an easy way to show overview pics of the inside is to delete a floor at a time and take pics of each floor after it has been completely cleared this way you can better show people whats on the inside. It would be best that if you did this to edit your map post rather than throwing it all the way back here as just a post. I think your map looks good. Dont worry about if it looks like a specific building to detail this isnt the aesthetics section besides I personally dont think thats what matters. Good job posting look forward to see what you make in the future. Kudos

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Lol at one of your tags for this topic "kryticate was here". both You and your map win. I have no idea why he would state only the bad, when there is allot of good in this map. Much skill, and smooth wall placement. How ever i would like to see some pictures from the inside, to get an idea of what action could go on in there. :)
    as for the downloads, I might do that when i have a custom party thats bored. usually thats when i DL maps. so no worries. I'm up for dl this when the chance is given. not a map i would keep for ever though ^^

    Btw 46 posts in 4 hours, half are kryticates. Not all can be commenting on the map. lolz
    #20 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009

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