Hello everybody. For the past two weeks, I have been building and testing this map to a certain degree of success. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the creation. Download Link The Precursor's almost Pacifist mentality is visually apparent in their architecture. One-sided Flag/Bomb & TS, 8-12 players. Screenshots As you can see, the map is very vast, although it does have plenty of cover spots and vantage points for players to get the upper hand. Staying in these vantage points longer than necessary usually results in death, however. You may know that the Forerunner, or Precursors, were very strong in a defensive manner spending a lot of time and resources developing shields and other defensive mechanisms. The same thing is going on here. The offensive side has pretty low defensive properties compared to the defensive side. So generally, you don't want to hang around there if you don't have to. This is deliberate as I want players to be pushing into the centre of the map, much like the gameplay of Valhalla. More often than not, controlling the middle of the map usually ends up in victory. Now, here's a weapon/equipment breakdown to get a quick understanding of the mechanics. 1: Battle Rifle - 30 Second Respawn 2: Carbine - 30 Second Respawn 3: Spartan Laser - 90 Second Respawn 4: Rocket Launcher - 90 Second Respawn 5: Missile Pod - 90 Second Respawn 6: Needler - 45 Second Respawn 7: Shotgun - 60 Second Respawn 8: Mauler - 60 Second Respawn 9: Plasma Pistol - 30 Second Respawn 10: Brute Shot - 45 Second Respawn 11: Sniper Rifle - 90 Second Respawn 14: Active Camp - 90 Second Respawn 15: Overshield - 90 Second Respawn 16: Bubble Shield - 60 Second Respawn 17: Power Drain - 60 Second Respawn 18: Trip Mine - 60 Second Respawn 12 and 13 were grenades, but I removed them from the layout to reduce clutter. As you can see, controlling the middle is essential, particularly in Team Slayer. Vehicles consists of 2 Warthogs on 60 second respawns, and 4 Mongooses on 45 second respawns. Now, a couple of action shots to wet your whistle. Just to make sure you know, Battle Rifle starts on One Flag, One Bomb and Team Slayer. Constructive criticism is always welcome, too. Game play footage is available on my File Share if required. Download link, incase you missed it!
Wow! Geomerging and merging look flawless. I think this would make a sweet squad battle map. Definite DL and 5/5. Great job my friend!
The whole map is alright. Nothing too much. But truly the shining highlight of this map would have to be the perfectly merged semi-circle base. I can't do anything nearly like that. Sweet job on that, and good job on everything else. And yes, the architecture does seem a little "pacifist" if that makes sense?
There is no question that you're forging is top notch. However I'm a little concerned that the oval base has little cover on it therefore a warthog could just drive back and forth along the dunes spawn killing. I would also have at least two Br's on each base. I don't usually download maps but this one is unique so I will give it a download and give more feedback later.
This map sucks my pen0r. All I have to say, is that I did not enjoy this map, only because you made it so the leaders only get BR starts. CHEAP 2 DA MAX. Anyway, the aesthetics are great, but I couldn't focus on gameplay since I got spawnkilled a lot and almost always BR'd when I only haz an AR. Oh yeah, make the spawns in more diverse areas.
I know what you're saying, but there is only a small chance of spawning there. I generally wanted offense to be charging, focusing attention on the power weapons and the middle area. Thanks for thee CC and DL, though. Much appreciated.
Sorry for the double post, but I must address this. Leader traits were turned on by accident. Had you waited until the end of the game, instead of crying about it and leaving, you would have found this out. It happened once out of numerous tests.
This comment makes no sense and looks like spam in my eyes. You didn't even listen to anyone in the game. If you had, you would have known that he accidentaly (sp?) did that and that he changed it back afterwards. Also I was the only good player in the team and I was still able to carry you guys against the other team. WITHOUT getting spawnkilled. I'm in no way trying to defend my friend and praise his map and what not. I just had to say that you have no idea what you are talking about (what kind of tester cries about something and then leaves?). Nowhere in the thread did it say that you had to have leader traits on. Alright I'm done. Sorry for spamming up the thread but this map deserves better replies than mindless spamming.
Hey Taco, that hurt..... "you were the ONLY good player on the team"? Lol, I'm kidding, we did def. get our butts handed to us! THIS map, needs to be looked at by everyone that wants to see what FLAWLESS geo-merging and merging looks like. And it does play exactly like Reiko says, its alot about fighting for control of the center of the map. The bases (as pretty as they are) are pretty functional as well. Even on slayer, this map worked really well. Great Map & well worth the DL!
Honestly, this map deserves a download so I will check it out. But from what I can see, there would be a lot of attacker base spawn killing. I'm thinking that maybe you could make the base have an interior and it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a side structure. The map looks beautiful and can play beautifully if you just add a little more in the design.
From test sessions, there was no more spawn killing than the next map. There are only 4 respawns up on the offense base, the majority are scattered out front and around the middle. Give it a try if you can get enough people. 4v4 works fine.
Ok I will download soon as I get space on my hard drive. I know what you are saying but honestly the spawns seem like they would be more towards the middle if most of them have cover. I cannot prove this until I check it out though and I hope it plays amazing.
The geomerging is near flawless, and great interlocking jobs, but one thing I'm not too happy about is that there is really only like 2 elevations on this map. I think that it will stilll play well, but I believe that if a height variation was created Gameplay would be even smoother. Great job though and I'm downloading right now for ideas on my Template map if thats alright.
whao, what impresses me is each base is flawlessly forged and looks really good, blue base is rather open, but looks really good, and red base looks good and is enclosed. the rest of the map looks great too, a little bit open between structures, but overall the map looks fantastic. great job 4.75/5
I wish I could geo-merge to that standard, very impressive. I agree with fly concerning height variation, a few middle height stuctures could counter that. Of course, for real feedback I need to go in-game so I'll DL and have a forge around.
I just want to thank everyone for leaving feedback. I expected to be overlooked again as I'm not a very big name here. I urge you to judge game play after playing, not based on the screenshots. If anyone plays a game or two, please fileshare and recommend the game film to me. Again, thanks.
Hey, I downloaded this map cause the bowl shaped area looked so tight, and I was impressed by the craftsmanship of the whole thing. Everything looks very well thought out and very patiently placed, merged and geo-merged. This all in keeping in mind a good sense of gameplay.. I didn't get a chance to run a custom on it yet, but it feels solid and balanced. It's a solid spot on my HD, which is tough these days cause it's getting full, haha. As far as constructive criticism goes, all that occured to me while running through was that you could use another way to get into the shield door windowed base.. perhaps at the back left. Although it feels like that was your design choice for that, so fair enough. Overall I'm impressed, keep forging, we need solid levels like this.
You have my download, but there is one thing I am worried about already. The large circular base has no cover whatsoever. If the other team manages to push onto their base or get a hog running, the spawn killing will be endless. Looks fantastic though
I can't stress this enough, but play it before jumping to that conclusion. The majority of the respawns aren't actually in the bowl. If you can'tget a game, there are 3 films in my fileshare. Not the best, but they prove a point. Thanks, though. I knew people would be uneasy about the architecture of offense