a surprise when i tried a gradient map, then inverted it, liked what i saw, and sharpened it v2 of that Yup, i did it again with the title hells lots of blurring/sharpening here a wierd sig, meh
Smudging is boring, colours are way off, focal doesn't seem sharp at all, both sides are absolutely plain, no depth, lighting is off, overall not a very good signature, work on those things, and stop using my thread title, it's annoying, you can't even do it right.
i tried sharpening only a quarter of it by cropping and savin one half, then sharpening te half that i didnt crop, then opened the other part as layer and piece it together. didnt work out very well i guess.
I think this would look OK if you added some text to it, you should also spend more time on your sigs!