Dead Worlds: City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Katanga, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    "The infection is strong, but not invincible. If we stick together, we can take them out together." That's the bullshit they fed us in that city. They knew this assualt was one of many, and that the infected would adapt and throw us completely off guard."

    Dead Worldsis a zombies variant loosely based around the ideas of games such as Manifest and the Class system in Firefight. The zombies start out formidable, but easy to take down in groups. Alone, humans do not stand a fighting chance.
    The Zombies take a fair few bullets, or 3 beatdowns, to kill. The Humans can withstand around 6 to 7 sword lunges. Instead of recharging sheilds, the bar acts as a health bar. Remember, keep your team-mates aware of your remaining health, and protect weaker players.

    So, eventually, Humans are left in the reverse of a usual infection game.

    The Game with the map:
    The Humans start at the left of this screenshot, armed with a BR and pistol. The zombie starts at the other side of the building in the foreground.
    This is the inside of said building. Note the geomerged Truck (or Generator as we learned to call it.)
    The building on the far right on the initial screenshot is a safe bet for potential camping. With a spiral staircase and an outside Veranda, it is a strong spot to hold, but also has many entraces for zombies.

    Then, after 30 seconds, the Infection gains a new class: STALKER.
    Stalkers are just the same as regular zombies, but invisible. And, since the humans have no enemy radar, camoflague can turn the tide of battle in a flash. Spawn in the box on the crane to become a Stalker. Also note the small outpost on the right. At the start of the game, this outpost can prove very helpful.

    Soon after, two new classes arrive; TANK and SHOOTER. Spawning on the left ansd right boxes respectively, these zombies are often the downfall of an entire team. Tank units take twice as much damage to kill, and have a quick burst of invincibilty upon picking up the oversheild. Don't camp around that spawn.
    [​IMG]Shooter units gain a plasma rifle, so they can sit back and whittle away sheild from afar. Zombies should try combining covering fire with brute force.
    [​IMG]Rainin' down a world of hurt on yours truly.

    Finally, a rare Zombie class is the UBER. Uber units only spanw every 2 minutes, and have a 1 in aroudn 12 chance of appearing. However, when they do, they obtain a Oversheild. And a fuel rod.
    Do I really need to explain what comes next?

    Humans faced with an Uber should focus all their attention on killing attacking zombies first. Although Ubers are very powerful, the swords can potentially assasinate you. Zombies will have learned that Focusing on one person until they die is the best plan. This means that one player will have to distract the uber. But know this. When an uber spawns, sticking together goes out the window.

    Other Dead Worlds maps will come soon, with newer classes and aesthetics.

    Enter the City

    Face the Infection

    ~Katanga Askar​
    #1 Katanga, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wow. This map and gametype is great and it actually involves strategy unlike other games. It would be perfect if you could interlock items to make the map look cooler though.
  3. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    It looks like a class remake of the work Elite Slayer does (look in the casual section, some of his work might still be on the first page), except worse. The custom powerup isn't used properly. The level looks alright, but you have a crappy spawn system.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Yeah, I based it around other class systems, so I wouldn't be surprises. "Except Worse"? Would you mind actually explaining this rather than throwing an empty statement in my face?
    And the proper use would be? Again, explain it. Critisism only works when it helps me improve.
    Firstly, they do not always spawn in the boxes, they spawn all around the map. Next, Does it play alright?

    You have played 3 Infection games on foundry recently. Any of those actually this map/gametype?

    If not, try to avoid absently digging at a map you've never played. If you have, at least provide reasoning behind your claims.

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