Sandbox The Halo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Joe is Outside, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Created by: Joe is Outside
    Recommended Gametype: Floods
    Recommended number of players: 5-9 players
    Download link: The Halo, Floods

    Map description:
    This version of the map Halo is really smooth and more fun to play. Use Floods game variant. 2-9 players. Joe is Outside

    About my map:
    You certainly already know the famous map Halo, where there is a long track all around the sky bubble and you have to get to the end with a mongoose to take a sniper and kill the alpha zombie without being killed by the Alpha zombie. So this is the same thing, the first map Halo was really fun but it was really sloppy and nothing was interlocked, my version is
    entirely interlocked and really smooth. There is only 8 mongoose so I recommend 9 players if you don't wan't to be passager but it support players below or above my ideal player count. The alpha zombie has a Beam Riffle, a Sniper Riffle and a Rocket Launcher.

    [​IMG] x1
    [​IMG] x2
    [​IMG] x1

    [​IMG] x8


    The humans (Floods) are respawning here in those boxes.

    The Alpha Zombie (Master Chief) is respawning here on this box.

    The 8 mongooses

    The track Part 1/2

    Screenshots #1

    Screenshots #2


    Screenshots #3

    Screenshots #4

    Screenshots #5

    Screenshots #6

    Next post
    #1 Joe is Outside, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    The track Part 2/2

    Screenshots #7

    Screenshots #8

    Screenshots #9

    The end of the track, and the power up. Screenshots #10

    When you take the Power-up, you can kill the Alpha Zombie (Master Chief) with the sniper.
    Screenshots #11

    Gametype: LINK
    Map: LINK

    #2 Joe is Outside, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  3. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    I've seen this done alot of times this one has very clean forging
    When I was looking at the out post where the ALPHA is I could only tell that the sniper rifle was a sniper rifle the others I didn't have a clue what they were until I looked at the weapon list.
    Yeh anyway not the most original idea but it has good forging
    Kepp forging ( You might want to try a original idea no offense)
  4. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    hey great map, i like how it is original in a non original map, great job making it your own (I'm trying not to sound sarcastic because i am not being sarcastic) great job
  5. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Hmm...I hate the fact that there are so many Halo maps, but this one actually looks 3x better forged than the original Halo. Queued for download :]
  6. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Thank you guys.
  7. xbrinkx

    xbrinkx Ancient
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    Very neat and well done. Definitely a download. The only thing I'm not sure about it is the fact that it seems to stay in a sort of straight line, with only a few jumps and obstacles. Like making it more exciting. But that's just me. Well done!
  8. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    You want want to fix the download, there are 2 gametypes, 1 map, and a link to a profile (Which does not work unless you do it a certain way, in this case you have to be logged in to see the one that you put). Remove all the links you put up there and replace them with this (copy and paste):

    [COLOR="Orange"][SIZE="5"][B]Gametype:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=""][SIZE="5"][B]LINK[/B][/SIZE][/URL]
    [COLOR="Orange"][SIZE="5"][B]Map:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=""][SIZE="5"][B]LINK[/B][/SIZE][/URL]
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Another remake of Halo.

    - at least you started from scratch

    - I hope that kill balls spawn at the human spawn area with mongooses, otherwise you always run into people that go inactive and are last man standing behind a protected wall.
    - Rocket launchers and beam rifles? Seriously? How shitty are you at sniping that you need rocket launchers? Beam rifles give the zombie a huge advantage because if you time your shots right, you never stall your weapon. At least the sniper rifle gives the humans a couple of seconds break to recharge their shields... 4 shots and they have to reload the clip. Beam rifle can shoot continuously as long as you don't fire 3 rapid shots in a row.
    - Sniper tower should have some way to prevent zombies from jumping off. Someone can make it all the way around the track and about to snipe the zombie, only to have the zombie commit suicide and rob them of their hard work.
    - Looks like someone can make it all the way around on foot. That's something that was discouraged in the original Halo map. You want people to use the mongooses.

    Maybe it's just me, but it also looks like you pamper the driver too much. You make landings after jumps twice as wide as the rest of the track.

    Nice work on the interlocking, too. I was kinda annoyed at the original Halo due to the lack of interlocking... especially right before you hit the first ramp. There was a half wall that wasn't entirely flat and a lot of people would hit that spot and flip right before making it to the ramp. Nothing worse than poor forging on a fun map.

    Check out the map Sidewinder in my sig to find my variation of Halo.
  10. H@lo Cr@zy

    H@lo Cr@zy Ancient
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    Ive never played the original but you did a great job interlocking
  11. j4y24

    j4y24 Ancient
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    wil the game variant floods work with the orginal "halo" map
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I love these types of maps!! and I like how everything's actually interlocked... cuz normally they look terrible but are extremely fun!
  13. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    This is 100% the best Halo map out there. Me and my mate play this all the time. Its perfectly made, but cant people camp at the Mongoose Spawn Part behind the Shield doors. I think after 20 Seconds, Kill balls should spawn, killing anyone camping. Otherwise, this is GREAT!!!
  14. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    my friends and i really liked the original halo game so i downloaded this one and i gotta admit, it is forged WAY better than the other one. But the problem with it is that it is forged so smoothly. Because of this, it was wayyyy to easy, at least until the second wall halfs. now that was definatley hard and the obstacles after that were slightly hard. Also i did like how whenever you finished, it was still possible for the zombie to kill you, this happened a few times. and of course the thing i hated the MOST about the original halo is that the zombie could kill themselves at the end and sadly you didnt fix that, but i changed the gametype myself to fix it. other than that you did really good and it was fun to play, good job
  15. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    I played on this a couple weeks back. It was pretty fun, just like all the other games like this. I especially liked the middle platform though. It looks great!
  16. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Yes, I think but I am not quite sure.
  17. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    I agree with this, although this eliminates the possibility of "I-just-joined" players. This can be somewhat accomplished with a 30 sec fusion coil drop. Or better yet, allow the zombie to snipe a fusion coil that will rid the spawn of AFC'ers.

    Hah are you kidding? Rocket launchers are a blast to use! Depending on if this guy's map has the same diameter as the original or not, it takes a couple practice shots to determine the timing of when and where to shoot. In the version *I* have, it takes a good 4-6 seconds for the rocket to reach the track. Plus if the humans are smart enough, they'll occasionally look towards the zombie to scout for incoming rockets - maybe even shout out to teammates to warn them... or not... ;)
  18. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Wow, what is with all the criticism for such a neat and fun map? I checked out this dude's thread and it looks like he made a map just like this. He is just trying to make this one look bad so his will get more views and downloads, shame on you.

    Exceptional map. It looks like you put a lot of effort into making it very tidy and clean. I also like that people who are not at their Xbox 360's do not hold up the game as they are in easy reach of the infected.
    #18 LivesOn, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  19. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    Wow, this map certainly beats the original.

    me and a load of mates always used to play this untill we got bored. but now it looks like we have somthing new to play.

    very clean, well layed out map, great asthetics and great gameplay

    asthetics 8/10
    originality 6/10
    gameplay 9/10

    overall a great map, cant wait to play.
  20. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    This map is a crowd favorite when it comes to custom partys. Whenever I put this on, when the game ends, I'll I hear is "Again! Again!" Job well done. The only problems I have with this map are very small.

    1. You should make kill balls spawn at about 60 seconds to kill the campers.
    2. When Humans get to the end and collect the custom power up, it should make them invincible, so the zombie doesn't just snipe them out before they can even line up their shot.

    If you plan on making a V2 with these tell me, otherwise I'll just add them myself.

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