Bethesda: Elder Scrolls V to Arrive in 2010 | Maximum PC But the question that is still unclear is, Skyrim or Summerset Isles? There are three plot lines looming out there, one per province. 1. (Skyrim) A large rebellion is growing, pick a side, advance through the ranks, and take advantage of a new engine to command battles of hundreds (without slowing down) (supposedly leaked awhile back) 2. (Skyrim) Skyrim is often full of civil wars, as it is now. Put a stop to it, after picking a group to go with. (Only storyline that could go with the "lore" behind Skyrim) 3. (Summerset Isles) The High Elves have resented the Imperial rule of the Isles for a long time, and are now rebelling. Choose your path and bring peace to the Isles. (Only storyline that could go with the "lore" behind the Isles) If you don't know, Skyrim is the Nordic region, and Summerset Isles is the High Elf region (the gold elves) I want Summerset... It goes in line with the others in a better way. Daedra Worship is VERY common, the Altmer are like the Dunmer in hating outsiders, Necromancers attacking often, During the game of Oblivion you may overhear NPCs talking about trouble in Summerset Isle, quoting "I understand Daedra worship has become increasingly prevalent in the Summerset Isle." "They say syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of Imperial goods in the land of the Altmer." and "The Altmer have powerful wizards. It could become a dangerous situation."
Old news is old, this is from October '08. Good find though. I think it should explore the Akavari provinces, you haven't seen or heard much of them lately, plus they have dragons! And they have Asian architecture and culture and stuff.
Year old article dude, and it proves nothing. Everyone knows about Bethesda purchasing patents for 'Skyrim'. But although its bound to happen, it's still not a definite and it won't be until they make an official annoucenemt. Needless to say; Oblivion - GOTY 2006 Fallout 3 - GOTY 2008 Skyrim - GOTY 2010
I can't wait. I'm still trying to get Fallout 3, but I'll have to get both now. Yay for Bethesda and their epic awesome games.
Why is bethesda so unorganized? Some people in one department say it will happen, other departments are unsure, others say no.